Final: What I think is most important Flashcards
What problem would you see a patient with acetone, fruity breath?
DKA (diabetes)
What problem would you see a patient with acetone, fruity breath?
DKA (diabetes)
What are respirations like with DKA?
Kussmaual respirations (increased rate and depth of breathing)
What electrolyte imbalance may we see with DKA?
Serum and tissue potassium alterations–can lead to cardiac arrest
DKA: Widening QT?
DKA: Shortening QT?
DKA: How serious?
What is blood glucose level for DKA?
> 300 mg/dl
What can happen if a person ignores HYPOglycemia too long?
Insulin shock
- Low blood sugar
- Weakness
- Convulsions
- Possible coma
Blood gluose level for hypoglycemia?
Less than 60 mg/dl
What is respirations like for HYPOglycemia? pulse?
Respirations: Shallow, normal
Pulse: Tachycardia, palpitations
What are late signs of HYPOglycemia?
Hyperreflexia Dilated pupils Seizure Shock Coma
What is blood glucose level for HYPERglycemia?
> 250 mg/dl
What is output like–early to late for HYPERglycemia?
Polyuria is early–oliguria is late
Which diabetic problem has flushed skin and sign of dehydration; also mucous membranes dry and crusty: hypo or hyperglycemia?
What are respirations and pulse like for HYPERglycemia?
Respirations: Deep, rapid (KUSSMAUL)
Pulse: Less rapid, weak
What effect does exercise have on the child with diabetes?
Exercise gives feelings of week being and aids in utilization of food and often results in a REDUCTION of insulin requirments
If a diabetic child is active in team sports, when should they get a snack?
30 min prior to anticipated activity
Ketonuria in the presence of hyperglycemia is an early sign of ketoacidosis. Can a child exercise if they are at this state?
NO–This is a contraindication to exercise!!!
Sick children and diabetes. What needs to be done?
- Monitor BG 13h
- Test urine for ketones q3h
- KEEP taking the insulin and meds
- SUGAR FREE LIQUIDS for dehydration!!
- Carb snacks and rest
What is an acceptable level for children with diabetes for HgbA1C?
6.5-8%, target being less than 7%
What indicates diabetes after 8 hour fasting BG (blood glucose) level?
126 mg/dl or more
What indicates diabetes for a random BG test?
200 mg/dL or more + classic signs of diabetes
What indicates diabetes for oral glucose tolerance test?
200 mg/dL in the 2 hr sample
What condition may we see exophthalmos, wide-eyed stare?
Grave’s Disease
Graves Disease: Not a lot of motion or excessive? Explain
- Irritability
- Hyperactivity
- Short attention span
- Tremors
- Insomnia
- Emotional lability
Graves: What is weight like?
Gradual weight loss despite a voracious appetite (occurs in 1/2 cases)
What problem gets the drug Somatropin?
Growth hormone deficiency
How is somatropin administered?
- Most effective at bedtime
- Administer SQ
- Caution to those receiving insulin
Why is the PKU test done in newborns?
Check whether newborn baby has enzyme phenylalanine in body, which is an amino acid that is needed for normal G&D
What is urine like with PKU?
Lots of metabolites are excreted, one being phenyl ketones–so gives a MUSTY ODOR to urine
How do most children with PKU appear?
Blond hair
Blue eyes
Fair skin (susceptible to eczema and other dermatologic problems)
Treatment for PKU?
What is the disease for the surgery Percutaneous heel cord tenotomy?
Congenital clubfoot
After the percutaneous heel cord tenotomy for clubfoot, what happens?
Long leg casts for 3 weeks
After casts a Denis Browne bar with Ponseti sandals or straight leg shoes
Clubfoot: Talipes varus
Clubfoot: Talipes valgus
Clubfoot: Talipes calcaneus
Clubfoot: Talipes equinus
Plantar flexion