SubO smaller policies Flashcards
What should the message contain if sprinklers are involved?
Details of the number of sprinkler heads actuated are to be included in the stop
message for every fire which occurs in a building with sprinklers.
If Sprinklers or drenchers are actuating, what should the IC do on arrival?
the Incident Commander of the fire is to station a member of staff at the
main control valve with instructions to see that the valve is in the open position, and that it is not
closed except by the order of the Incident Commander.
When must a seat belt be worn?
Seat belts must be
worn by all personnel travelling in Brigade vehicles when attending or returning from operational
incidents and using the vehicle for non-operational purposes, such as community safety visits.
Who should check lockers and doors before the vehicle starts moving?
all locks and security fittings on doors should be fully engaged by the person nearest the
door(s), and the door(s) security tested, before the vehicle moves off.
What are the two reason why we would be mobilised to a lock out?
Danger of fire and ‘life threatening’
The caller is elderly or infirm and the weather is inclement or
The caller needs to gain access to medicine.
When attending a persons locked out incident, where should the persons proof of identity and Indemnity/disclaimer for damage be recorded
Form 2416
The incident commander will record on Form 2416 the person’s proof of right of entry to the
premises. If the incident commander considers the circumstances to be suspicious, no service is
to be rendered and the police are to be advised that a possible illegal entry is being attempted.
The arrival of the police is to be awaited.
Note: The police will not attend calls to persons locked out solely to establish a person’s identity.
Indemnity undertaking
Once the person’s credentials have been adequately established, they are to be advised that an
undertaking indemnifying the Brigade against any damage caused is required. Form 2416 is to be
used for this purpose.
At what age are we unable to get the person to sign a indemnity form for purposes of gain entry (lock out incidents)
If the person requiring assistance appears to be too young to be required to sign the form of indemnity (under 18 years old), the incident commander is to use discretion as to whether assistance is given.
If it is, the individuals and their parents/guardian’s name and address should be obtained. If the person is of an age or condition which requires supervision, the immediate
attendance of the police should be requested
With regards to lock out/gaining entry a form 2416 is to be completed but where should the copies go.
Yellow left with the signee
White copy of Form 2416 is to be completed and the
form submitted to relevant Borough Administration Team where it will be filed pending any claim made against the Brigade
If it is deemed that assistance to gain entry to person locked out is not required or warranted, what should be your action be?
Still complete the form2416 as a record (the occupant is not required to sign) and
tactfully and diplomatically withdraw crews
ORT (operation review team) should attend all incident over, how many pumps?
6 pump incident and above. They are able to attend any incident that feel may be of benefit.
Will ORT attend - PRO’s?
- PRC’s?
they will attend PRO’s when asked to attend.
They will attend all PRC’s and ideally it should the incident attending officer.
There may be occasions were the ORT officer is the most senior officer in attendance but can they take over the incident?
As a general rule, officers within the team remain outside the command chain However, there may be occasions when consideration must be given to take over. this should only be done if
• There are grounds for concern over safety.
• The incident appears to be beyond the ability of the IC and no other officer is available immediately.
Having taken over, the ORT officer must remain in charge of the incident until another suitable
officer is in attendance.
Who has responsibility for determining the Tactical mode at a large incident when sectors are involved?
Incident commander
Responsibility for carrying out a risk assessment within a sector may be delegated to Sector
Commanders. However, the Incident Commander still retains responsibility for determining the tactical mode for the overall incident.
What should be done if there is a change in tactical mode?
All crews should be informed and an informative message sent declaring the tactical mode
By sending a message with a Tactical mode, what are you showing has been done?
That the incident commander has done a DRA and considered control measures (safe systems of work)