Incident involving ionising radiation Flashcards
what is the LFB adopted dose of mSv per year for employees?
LFB has adopted a dose constraint of 10 mSv per year per employee
What is the amount allowed for a single exposure to save life or prevent serious deterioration of mSv?
, in order to save life or prevent a
serious deterioration of the situation a single emergency exposure not
exceeding 100 mSv may be considered.
with regards to radiation incident what will the initial cordon be?
25m cordon
Where should the EPD be kept normally and where should it be put during a confirmed radiation incident?
EPDs are normally worn inside the tunic
chest pocket with the lanyard’s snap hook attached to the ‘whistle loop’. At
confirmed radiation incidents, the EPD is clipped to the Strom Flap or the fire tunic (inside GTCPS if worn)
How do you protect against alpha & Beta?
How do you protect against Gamma?
Protection against α and β emitters will be provided by GTCPS.
Harmful effects of gamma (γ) radiation are controlled by Time-Distance-Shielding
what is larger micro (Sv) or milli(mSv)?
micro Sv are 1000 x bigger than mSv