State Capitalism Flashcards
What was state capitalism?
a compromise economy between capitalism and socialism
What did many Bolsheviks want as opposed to state capitalism ? (3)
They wanted radical measures.
- nationalisation of all businesses
- abolition of money
- trade determined by peoples needs not profit
How did the Decree on Land of October 1917 give peasants an incentive to continue to produce grain?
although ‘Private ownership of land shall be abolished for ever’, land was not actually nationalised but allowed to ‘pass into the use of all those who cultivate it’
As opposed to nationalisation, what did the Decree on Workers Control of Factories November 1917 acknowledge?
they simply acknowledged the fact that many factories had already been taken over by workers
In order to develop greater state control over the economy what 3 things did the Bolsheviks establish?
- nationalisation of banks, external trade, railways
- Veshenka (Supreme Council of the National Economy)
- GEOLRO (a special state Commission)
When did Bolsheviks nationalise
- banks
- external trade
- railways?
banks-December 1917
external trade June 1918
railways- June and September 1918
When was the Veshenka, the Supreme Council of the National Economy, established?
December 1917
What was the responsibility of the Veshenka ?
took responsibility for ‘all existing institutions for the regulation of economic life’
When was GOELRO, a special State Commission, established ?
What was the Veshenka, December 1917?
the Supreme Council of the National Economy
What is the GOELRO?
a special State Commission (1920)
What was the role of the GOELRO, the special State Commission (1920)?
role to organise the production and distribution of electricity thought Russia
What establishment was to become one of the Bolsheviks most greatest achievements?
the establishment of GOELRO , a special State Commission 1920
What did Lenin assert regarding the GOELRO?
“Communism equal Soviet power plus electrification”
What was the problem with state capitalism in regards to factories?
workers failed to organise their factories efficiently and output shrank at the time it was most needed
What was a problem with workers in factories (2)?
- some would award themselves unsustainable pay rises
- others would help themselves to stock and equipment
Reported by who, were there cases of workers spending time making penknives out of bits of machinery or shoe soles out of leather conveyor belts, to barter on the black markets?
Viktor Serge
What did Viktor Serge report?
that there were cases of workers spending time making penknives out of bits of machinery or shoe soles out of leather conveyor belts to barter on the black market
What was the main problem with the failure of workers in the factories?
They lacked the skills needed for successful management
Why were there problems with state capitalism during the civil war in regards to factories ?
-shortage of raw materials caused further industrial output in the Bolshevik held areas to plummet
What was the GOELRO plan?
the first-ever Soviet plan for national economic recovery and development.t became the prototype for subsequent Five-Year Plans drafted by Gosplan.
Who drafted the GOELRO plan?
the Gosplan