Chp6.3Civil War- Foreign Interventions Flashcards
When was the armistice agreed between Germany and Russia which ceased fighting on the Eastern Front?
December 1917
When was the Treaty of Brest-Litvosk ?
March 1918
What was the result of the Treaty of Brest-Litvosk in relation to foreign intervention?
Any help from Britain went to anti-Bolshevik forces
after the signing of Brest-Litvosk which ports did British, American and French troops occupy ?
- The ports of Murmansk in the Arctic
- Archangel in the White Sea
How long did a large number of countries occupy key areas of European, central and far-eastern Russia?
2 years
Why were foreign countries angered by the Bolshevik takeover?
- nationalised foreign companies
- froze all foreign assets in Russia
- declared they had no intention of honouring foreign debts of its predecessors
What had David Lloyd George declare about the Bolsheviks before the Treaty of Brest-Litvosk?
that he was neither for nor against Bolsheviks, only antiGerman
Which 2 foreign leaders were intent in leading a full offensive against the Bolsheviks after WW1 ended in November 1918?
British cabinet minister Winston Churchill,
Marshal Foch, the French military leader
What was the Comintern which foreign powers were afraid of?
Short for the communist international, a body set up in Moscow in March 1919 to organise worldwide revolution
Which foreign power took lead in proposing an international campaign against the Reds?
the French
What 2 places did British land forces land in 1918?
Transcaucasia in southern Russia and occupied part of central Asia
Where did British warships enter?
British warships entered Russian Baltic waters and the Black Sea
Who met British warships which entered Russian Baltic waters and the Black sea?
French navel vessels joined them
Where did the French establish a major land base?
around the Black Sea port of Odessa
Where was the Black Sea port which the French established a major land base?
In April 1918 where did Japanese troops occupy?
Russia’s far eastern port of Vladivostok
When did Japanese troops occupy Russia’s far eastern port of Vladivostok?
April 1918
What was the name of the port Japanese troops occupied in Russia’s far eastern port?
How long after the Japanese occupied Russia’s far eastern port of Vladivostok did France, Britain, The USA and Italy join them?
4 months later
Which 5 forces crossed into Russia other than France, Britain, USA and Italy?
Czech, Finnish, Lithuanian, Polish and Romanian forces
What parts of Russia did Japanese and United States troops occupy in 1919?
parts of Siberia
When did Japanese and American troops occupy parts of Siberia?
What was the aims of
- British, Ameican, French, Japanese and Italian troops
- Czechoslovakia, Finland, Lithuania, Poland and Romania?
1) Protect individual interests in foreign debts, international communism
2) Gaining independence from Russia
Why had foreign interventionists have no stomach for a prolonged campaign?
Due to their 4 long years of struggle against Germany
Why in particular did British and French troops cease the offensive against the Bolsheviks?
there was a serious threat of mutinies in some regiments who were ordered to embark for Russia after WW1 had ended
Which 3 places did British intervention force the Bolsheviks to recognise as independent?
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia
How did British intervention force the Bolsheviks to recognise Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia as independent?
British warships and troops crushed a Bolshevik invasion and obliged Lenin’s government
How long did Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia stay independent?
Until Stalin in 1940
Which troops had withdrawn by the end of 1919?
French and American troops
Which troops had been withdrawn by 1920?
all western troops had been withdrawn by 1920
Which country remained in Russia for the duration of the Civil War?
How ddi Lenin present the withdrawal of foreign intervention as propaganda?
he presented the Bolsheviks as the saviours of the nation from foreign conquest
How did the apparent success over Russia’s enemies allow then to recover self esteem?
because of the loss over its 1918 capitulation to Germany
What did the failure of foreign intervention encourage the Bolsheviks to do ?
Undertake a war against Poland
When did the Red Army march into neighbouring Poland?
What did Lenin expect to happen when the Red Army marched into neighbouring Poland?
lenin expected the Polish workers to rise in rebellion against their own government
What did the Poles see the invasion from the Red Army as in 1920?
As traditional Russian aggression
What was the result of the Poles driving back the Red Army across the border?
Soviet morale was seriously damaged
How did Lenin react to the Polish reverse, foreign interventionists and the failure of Communist revolutions in Germany and Hungary?
He adjusted foreign policy to meet the new situation
What was Lenin’s new foreign policy?
The Comintern would continue to call for world revolution but Soviet Russia would soften its international attitude