Chp5.4Consolidation of the one party state Flashcards
What helped to define the new one party state?
the decrees made by the Sovnarkom
When were workers put in charge of the railways ?
January 1918
Who replaced the Red Guards who were demobilised?
the Red Army of workers and peasants formed to protect the regime
When was Trotsky placed at the head of the Red Army?
March 1918
When was the capital transferred to Moscow?
March 1918
Who were the Red Guards who were demobilised and replaced by the Red Army?
they were volunteers and had helped to carry out the October/November revolution
Under the one party state, although religion had not been banned, what had Russia become?
a secular state with the government giving no further support to the Orthodox Church
What decree removed the Church’s judicial powers and its right to own property with many of its main assets seized?
the separation decree
What did the separation decree mean for the Church? (3)
- removed Church’s judicial powers
- removed right to own property
- many of its main assets seized
What happened to the clergy during the consolidation of the one-party state?(3)
- They were disenfranchised
- left without civil rights
- subject to persecution
How did the Bolsheviks stop religious writings?
the religious printing presses were closed
What calendar did the Russians move to in February 1918 which was used by the rest of Europe?
the Gregorian calendar
What did the Julian Calendar mean for Russia?
they were 13 days behind Western Europe
How did the Bolsheviks remove the appeal of the Social Revolutionaries during their consolidation of the one party state ?
they adopted the policy of the ‘socialisation of land’ which was essentially the programme long advocated by the SR’s
What was proclaimed to oversee the transition to the socialist society in July 1918?
the first Soviet Constitution for the “Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic” (RSFSR)
What is the RSFSR?
the “Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic”
When was the first Soviet Constitution of the “Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic” proclaimed to oversee the transition to a socialist society?
July 1918
What did the first Soviet Constitution of the “Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic” proclaimed to oversee the transition to a socialist society state that supreme power belonged to ?
they stated that supreme power rested with the All-Russian Congress of Soviets
Who made up the All-Russian Congress of Soviets?
deputies from elected local soviets across Russia
in the All-Russian Congress of Soviets what was to be the ‘supreme organ of power’?
the central executive committee of that Congress
Who was the All-Russian Congress of Soviets made responsible for electing?
Who were excluded from voting? (3)
- business men
- clergy
- tsarist officials
Who was the vote reserved for ?
the ‘toiling masses’
How was the workers vote weighted against the peasants in the election to the All-Russian Congress of Soviets?
weighted in the proportion of five to one
Who officially appointed the Sovnarkom ?
the All-Russian Congress of Soviets
While the Sovnarkom was officially appointed by the Congress, in practise who was it chosen by ?
it was chosen by the Bolshevik/Communist Party’s Central Committee
Why was the democratic appearance of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets limited?
as the Congress only met at intervals and so the executive authority remained at the hands of Sovnarkom
What principle was established by the one-party state in regards to workers and food?
‘he who does not work shall not eat’
Who did the constitution welcome into the new Soviet state?
non-Russian nationalities that had been part of the old Russian Empire