Contenders for power- The left Flashcards
What happened with Kamenev in November 1917?
he clashed with Lenin over Bolshevik seizure of power and briefly resigned
What position did Kamenev earn in 1918?
Chairman of the Moscow Soviet
As well as Stalin, what was Kamenev one of the first 5 members of?
the Politburo
What was Kamenev Lenin’s deputy chairman in?
the Deputy Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars
When did Kamenev join as part of the Triumvirate even though he was Trotsky’s brother-in-law?
in 1923
Who was Kamenev closely associated with?
What did Kamenev gain a reputation for?
for ‘flip-flopping’ (being to easy to change sidea’
What was Kamenevs label in the Bolshevik party?
“old Bolshevik “
in 1922, after his stroke what did Lenin entrust Kamenev with?
entrusted him with many of his personal papers
Where did Kamenev have a strong power base?
Why did Kamenev have a strong power base in Moscow?
as that is where he ran the local party
Why was it a weakness that Kamenev was too closely associated to Zinoviev?
as Zinoviev was more popular than him
What was a weakness of Kamenev’s character ?
he was too ‘soft’ and lacking the drive to be a sole leader
What did Zinoviev have a wide knowledge in?
European culture
What was Zinoviev Chairman of?
Chairman of the Comintern Congresses
What were weaknesses Zinoviev’s his character? (3)
vain, inconsistent, unpredictable mood swings
Along with Stalin and Kamenev and as opposed to the Triumvirate what was Zinoviev also a member of?
the Politburo
What was Zinoviev the spokesman of?
spokesman for the Central Committee at the annual Party Congresses
Along with Kamenev, what was Zinovievs label in the Bolshevik Party?
an “old Bolshevik”
What did Lenin call Zinoviev?
his “closest and most trusted assistant”
What gave Zinoviev a power base?
his role as Party boss in Leningrad , second in importance only to Moscow