Chp6.1Causes of the Civil War Flashcards
Why did those on the right oppose the Bolsheviks?
They believed that the Bolsheviks had no right to rule Russia
Why did those in the centre oppose the Bolsheviks?
They believed the Bolsheviks did not submit to popular elections
Why did those on the left oppose the Bolsheviks?
They felt that the Bolsheviks had largely ignored the soviet which had helped to place them in power
Which 3 groups did Bolshevik ideology alienate?
- aristocrats
- bourgeoisie
- Mensheviks
Which 2 groups of people on the right wanted the old tsarist regime, although not necessarily Nicholas 11 himself
- army officers who objected to the Treaty of Brest-Livtosk
- Russians with land, money or businesses
Why did Russians who had money, land and businesses oppose the Bolshevik regime?
They stood to lose everything under Bolshevik economic and social policies
Which 2 groups on the left resented the Bolsheviks?
- moderates
- left wing Social-Revolutionaries
Which 2 groups did Lenin force out of his government?
- Kadets
- Right-wing Social-Revolutionaries
Why did Lenin expel the left wing SR’s from his government?
Due to there opposition to his peace with Germany
Why did some national minorities such as the Georgians (who later formed apart of the Greens) oppose the Bolsheviks?
They were unsure of his promises to give self-determination and wanted independence
Why did those who had no political allegiance participate in the Civil War?
They saw the civil war as an opportunity to win old battles and play out local rivalries
What impact did the loss of the Ukraine over the Treaty of Brest-Livotsk in March 1918 mean?
This added to food shortages which were already exacerbated by distribution problems, making Bolsheviks unpopular
Why were other governments threatened by the Bolsheviks and therefore aided opposition against them in the Civil war?
The Bolshevik had the avowed aim of spreading international revolution
-Foreign powers opposed Bolsheviks repudiation of tsarist debts together with their nationalisation of foreign owned industries
Why was the fact most of the leading Bolsheviks non-Russian critical to the party?
many saw them as another attempt to re-assert Russian authority over the rest of the country , alike the tsars
What provided the backdrop reason to the civil war ?
In March 1918, the month the Treaty of Brest-Litvosk was signed how much did the Bread ration decrease to (in grams)?
50 grams per day
By July 1918 how much had the workforce shrunk by in Petrograd?
By July 1918 how much had the population decreased by in Petrograd?
3 million to 2 million
Dzerhinsky declared that the proletarian revolution could not be saved except by ..””?
“exterminating the enemies of the working class”