Chp6.4Civil War- Red strengths/Trotsky Flashcards
Which part of Russia did the Reds control?
western Russia
How did the Reds defend Western Russia?
through maintaining their inner communication and supply lines
Why was it important that the Reds controlled Moscow and Petrograd?
These were the administrative centres of Russia
Why was it significant that the Reds had their strongest hold in industrial centres of Russia? (2)
this gave them
- access to munitions
- resources denied to the Whites
How did the Reds use the Whites dependance on foreign aid to their advantage?
This proved Red accusations that they were in league with foreign interventionists
How did the Reds gain new recruits?
They offered defeated enemy troops and neutral civilians the stark choice of enlistment or execution
How did the Reds use peasant land to turn the masses against the Whites?
Reds pointed out that all the land seized in the Revolution of 1917 would be forfeit if the Whites were to win the war
How were the Reds united more so than the Whites ?
They were ideologically committed, White generals operated independently while the Reds had a unified command structure
Why was the leadership of the Reds important?
The Red Army became a well disciplined fighting force under Trotsky’s leadership
Why did the Reds get the peasants popular support?
Red land policies were more popular than Whites association with traditional tsarist policies
How many men did Lenin give Trotsky a free hand to mould into an affective Red Army?
3 million men
Trotsky had a personal train which covered how many miles in order for him to direct the war?
65,000 miles
Who did Trotsky travel with ?What did they wear?
- His own elite force
- kitted out in black leather uniforms
What were 2 simple things Trotsky ensured for the Red Army?
that they were
- well fed
- well armed
What did Russian Historian Dmitri Volkogonov who was a Red Army general say about Trotsky?
That he was not a great general and made few important strategic decisions
Which Russian historian who was a Red Army general said that Trotsky was not a great general and made few important strategic decisions?
Dmitri Volkogonov
What did Trotsky do in order to train new recruits?
He recruited 50,000 former tsarist army officers for their experience and used them to train the new recruits
How many former tsarist army officers were recruited to train new recruits?
How did Trotsky use political commissars to his advantage?
He appointed political commissars to army units
why did Trotsky appoint political commissars to army units?
because they were party loyalists who could be relied upon to obey their political masters
What did the political commissars sent to army units do?
The commissars had to countersign all army officers orders
instil ideological principles into troops
How did Trotsky make discipline harsh?
He made any sign of disloyalty punishable by death
How did Trotsky discourage any waverers in the ranks?
Summary executions were carried out in order to discourage waverers in the ranks
How was the Cheka used against deserters?
the Cheka were used behind the lines to shoot deserters
How did Trotsky make the army a professional force?
-reintroduced traditional ranks and practises
When it was necessary to build up numbers, what were conscription recruits used for ? (2)
- labour battalions
- fighting units
What were labour battalions?
used on the front line to clean up debris an remove bodies and the wounded.
Who were the labour battalions often made up of?
the bourgeoises
Why were civilians in occupied areas often badly treated?
to encourage the population to keep in line
Trotsky had 3 main strategies, what were these?
1) To defend the Reds Army’s internal lines of communication
2) To deny the Whites the opportunity to concentrate large forces in any one location
3) To prevent the Whites maintaining regular supplies
What was Trotsky’s civil war title?
War Commisar
What was Trotsky’s slogan to enforce conscription?
‘Everything for the Front’
How often did peasants react in the Red Army?
Reluctant to fight, regarded as unreliable in a crisis
Which units were the most and only dependable ones?
those drawn predominantly from among the workforce
What did the units of dependable work force men become?
elite corps of the Red Army
What did the idealists among the troops believe in?
They sincerely believed in the Communist mission to create a new proletarian world
Which political commissar in the Caucasus during the Civil war challenged Trotsky’s tactics ?
Joseph Stalin
in 1920 how were workers controlled ?
workers were brought under the same military disciple as the soldiers
How were workers controlled while under the same military discipline as soldiers?
- forbidden to question orders
- couldn’t negotiate rates of pay
- couldn’t negotiate conditions
- severely punished for poor workmanship
What did Trotsky describe Trade unions as?
“unnecessary chatterboxes”
at the beginning of the first 2 years of Civil war who did Trotsky transform into an army of 3 million formidable men? (2 described)
- tired Red Guard veterans
- raw recruits
How did Trotsky place a precaution when enlisting 50,000 ex-tsarist officers to train the rank-and-file into efficient members ?
Trotsky attached political commissars to the army who were loyal and had to countersign all army officer orders
What was the most severe punishment Trotsky imposed for desertion or disloyalty ?
death penalty
What were the traditional forms of army discipline that were all dropped as being regarded as the reactionary past
- Graded ranks
- special uniforms
- deferential titles
- saluting
What was the only way in which the Red Army differed from the traditional army?
‘Commander’ replaced the term ‘officer’
What 2 things that had been granted in favour of the democratic atmosphere, were abandoned under Trotsky?
- soldiers committees
- election of officers
Why did Moscow replace Petrograd as Russia’s capital?
Petrograd was closer to Russia’s western frontier and more vulnerable to attack than Moscow