Stalins attitude to foreign powers Flashcards
Why did Stalin not like the Comintern?
it was a reminder of the failed dreams of achieving ‘permanent world revolution’
Who was Stalins chief representative in foreign affairs and their deputy?
Georgii Chicherin
Why were Chicherin and Litvinov useful to Stalin?
They were useful in maintaining ‘safe’ relations with foreign powers , especially Germany
When was the Chinese Communist Party (CPP) formed in hope to carry through a communist revolution in China?
Instead of the CCP, who did Stalin prefer to back?
the GMD the revolutionary nationalist movement
Why did Stalin back the GMD as opposed to the CPP?
as he believed they were more likely to bring stability to a key strategic area on Russia’s eastern borders
When did the GMD massacre striking workers in Canton and established a military dictatorship?
March 1926
When did the GMD viscously suppress a communist workers’ revolt in Shanghai an thousands of workers were killed?
April 1927
Where in April 1927 China did the GMD viciously suppress a communist workers’ revolt ?
In Shanghai
When did the GMD massacre striking workers in the city of Wuhan where c30,000 workers were killed?
How many workers were killed by the GMD in 1927 after striking in the city of Wuhan?
In responding to events in China 1925-1927 what was Stalins concern for?
for Russia, not spreading world revolution
What did Stalin pressurise the Politburo into doing in regards to China?
accepting the GMD as a member of the Comintern
How did Stalin justify not supporting the CPP?
He said it was their fault for moving away from supporting urban workers and focusing on the peasantry
Who criticised Stalins betrayal to the CPP?
Trotsky and the Left Opposition
What happened in the Communist Party Congress of December 1927?
- Stalin was criticised over actions in China
- Trotsky was expelled from the party
When was the Treaty of Berlin?
When was the Treaty of Rapallo signed which was the first breakthrough in ‘normalising’ relations between the USSR and the wider world?
What did the German government state the Treaty of Berlin was?
it was adapting he German-Russio agreement of Rapallo to a ‘new political situation’
What did Litvinov the deputy of the foreign minister say about the Berlin agreement?
that it was ‘an amplification of the Treaty of Rapallo’
What did Article 2 of the Treaty of Berlin between Russia and Germany say?
that if either country was attacked by a third power the other would remain neutral in the conflict
What did Article 3 of the Treaty of Berlin between Russia and Germany say?
that the other would not join any economic boycott that night be launched against the other
How did the USSR benefit from the relation with Germany in 1926?
They received large financial credits from German banks