Stage Check 2 Flashcards
What inspections and maintenance are required?
A -Annual
V - VOR every 30 days (IFR Only)
100 Hour (For Hire Planes Only)
A - Altimeter/Pitostatic System (every 24 calender months)
T -Transponder (every 24 calender months)
E - ELT (every 12 calender months) or sooner if
- If the ELT had been on for more than 1 hour
- if the battery had been at 50% or less
Do we have a comprehensive equipment list and where would we find it?
Yes, POH
If your Annual inspection is overdue can you still fly the plane legally?
Yes, but you need a special flight permit thats issued by the FAA.
What are the types of AIRMETs.
Sierra - IFR conditions or obstensive mountain obstruction
Zulu - Moderate Icing and also provides freezing level at heights.
Tango - Moderate Turbulence, Surface winds greater than 30kts, Non-Convective low level windsheer
(Duration = 6 Hours)
How long are SIGMET’s valid for? What are the differences between regular and convective SIGMETs?
Regular Valid for 4 Hours
Know about the differences between SIGMETs
Convective Valid for 2 Hours
Whats the order in which you should check the weather for an upcoming flight?
Prog Charts
What are the cloud clearances for VFR in different airspaces.
Class Bravo - 3SM and clear of clouds
Class C/D/E/G Night- 3 SM 500 Below 1000 Above 2000 Horizontal
Class E (Above 10,000) - 1000 Below/Above, 1 SM Horizontally
Class Golf (Day) - 1SM and clear of clouds
What are the different types of special use airspace?
Prohibited Areas
Restricted Areas
Warning Areas
Alert Areas
Controlled firing areas
What is a prohibited area? What type of airspace is it?
Areas in which you are not allowed entry. Usually for security reasons.
Special Use Airspace
What are the other types of airspace (not special use airspace)
National Security Airspace (not restricted but pilots are asked to not fly through)
SFRA - Located around Washington D.C - need special training through FAA To be allowed inside airspace.
What’s a TFR?
Temporary Flight Restrictions.
Need Permission to fly through.
What are the VFR cruising altitudes?
East - 3500, 5500, 7500, 9500
West - 4500, 6500, 8500
What is a SFRA and an FRZ?
Special Flight Rules Area - Located around Washington D.C -
FRZ - Flight Restriction Zone (inner circle of SFRA. need further training)
need special training through FAA To be allowed inside airspace.
What is a MOA? What type of airspace is it?
Military Operations Area. MOAs are established for the purpose of separating certain military training activities from IFR traffic. Whenever a MOA is being used,
nonparticipating IFR traffic may be cleared through a MOA if IFR separation can be provided by ATC. VFR traffic can enter the MOA without prior clearance but extra vigilance should be used.
Special Use Airspace
What is a restricted area? What type of airspace is it?
Area of airspace used by the military where air traffic is restricted (must be granted permission to enter). Usually contain missile activity, air combat training, and/or artillery firing.
Special use airspace
What are warning areas? What type of airspace are they?
Contains the same hazards as restricted but are in international airspace.
Special Use Airspace
What are alert areas? What type of airspace are they?
Areas of high volumes of flight training.
Special Use Airspace
What are controlled firing areas? What happens when you fly through them? What type of airspace are there?
Areas in which controlled firing is happening. Not charted. Have “spotters” to notify them if you fly through them.
Special Use Airspace
What is a magneto?
magnets that spin create spark for the sparkplugs.
What instruments are apart of the vaccum system?
heading and attitude indicator
What conditions are typical to high pressure areas?
smoother air, less visibility
What conditions are typical to a low pressure area?
turbulent air, more visibility
What conditions are typical to a warm front?
smoother air, less visibility, stratus clouds
What conditions are typical to a cold front?
rough air, greater visibility, cumulous clouds
What is the legality of a weather briefing?
proof or record of a weather briefing prior to a flight.