Comm Lecture Flashcards
When in the vicinity of a VOR which is being used for navigation on VFR flights, it is important to
exercise sustained vigilance to avoid aircraft that may be converging on the VOR from other directions
What procedure could a pilot use to navigate under VFR from one point to another when ground references are not visible?
Dead Reckoning
When planning a night cross-country flight, a pilot should check for the availability and status of
Destination Airport Lighting Systems
True course measurements on a Sectional Aeronautical Chart should be made at a meridian near the midpoint of the course because the
angles formed by lines of longitude and the course line vary from point to point.
Flow checks
are a memorized order of checklist items that tend to move from one area of the flight deck to another.
What is the first step in neutralizing a hazardous attitude in the ADM process?
Recognition of hazardous thoughts.
Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM) is a
systematic approach to the mental process used by pilots to consistently determine the best course of action for a given set of circumstances.
The Decide Model is comprised of a 6-step process to provide a pilot a logical way of approaching Aeronautical Decision Making. These steps are:
Detect, estimate, choose, identify, do, and evaluate
In a two-pilot operation using modern CRM, one pilot is designated as Pilot Flying and one pilot is designated as
Pilot Monitoring
What is the basic concept of a sterile cockpit?
Ensuring that only essential talk and activities are undertaken during critical phases of flight.
Which of the following is not a classification used as a part of the ACS codes:
a) (K)knowledge
b) (P)ractical
c) (R)isk Management
b) (P)ractical
When operating in Class B Airspace when must you have an operable VOR or TACAN receiver or an operable and suitable RNAV system?
IFR Operations Only
The FAA’s Airport Reservation Office handles reservations for takeoffs and landings under two basic programs. Which of the following is not one of the programs that we discussed in class?
Excess Traffic Event Programs (ETEP)
Taking off from airport with higher density altitude, indicated airspeed at lift off will:
remain the same at all density altitudes.
After studying accidents involving light aircraft equipped with glass cockpits, the NTSB recommended that a pilot preparing to operate in a complex glass cockpit system must:
learn equipment-specific knowledge and proficiency.
How is the slip and skid indicator presented on the PFD of a G1000?
A small horizontal line located under the triangle roll pointer
Trend vectors on some glass panel instruments display where the aircraft will be in _______ seconds at the current rate of change (heading, altitude, or airspeed).
An emergency bus with an independent battery will supply power to certain key components for a minimum of _________ minutes after a complete failure of the primary electrical system.
Early EFIS systems were
Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT)