Regulations Quiz Flashcards
With respect to the certification of airmen, which is a category of aircraft?
Airplane, rotorcraft, glider, lighter-than-air.
With respect to the certification of airmen, which is a class of aircraft?
Single-engine land and sea, multiengine land and sea.
With respect to the certification of aircraft, which is a class of aircraft?
Normal, utility, acrobatic, limited.
May a pilot operate an aircraft that is not in compliance with an Airworthiness Directive?
Yes, if allowed by the AD.
Preventive maintenance has been performed on an aircraft. What paperwork is required?
The signature, certificate number, and kind of certificate held by the person approving the work and a description of the work must be entered in the aircraft maintenance records.
Who may perform preventive maintenance on an aircraft and approve it for return to service?
Private or Commercial Pilot
What document(s) must be in your personal possession or readily accessible in the aircraft while operating as pilot in command of an aircraft?
An appropriate pilot certificate and an appropriate current medical certificate if required.
A recreational or private pilot acting as pilot in command, or in any other capacity as a required pilot flight crewmember, must have in their personal possession or readily accessible in the aircraft a current
medical certificate if required and an appropriate pilot certificate.
For private pilot operations, a First-Class Medical Certificate issued to a 23-year-old pilot on October 21, this year, will expire at midnight on
October 31st, 5 years later.
What is the definition of a high-performance airplane?
An airplane with an engine of more than 200 horsepower.
To act as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying passengers, a pilot must show by logbook endorsement the satisfactory completion of a flight review or completion of a pilot proficiency check within the preceding
24 Calendar Months
To act as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying passengers, the pilot must have made at least three takeoffs and three landings in an aircraft of the same category, class, and if a type rating is required, of the same type, within the preceding
90 Days
If a certificated pilot changes permanent mailing address and fails to notify the FAA Airmen Certification Branch of the new address, the pilot is entitled to exercise the privileges of the pilot certificate for a period of only
30 days after the date of the move
Where may an aircraft`s operating limitations be found if the aircraft has an
Experimental or Special light-sport airworthiness certificate?
Attached to the Airworthiness Certificate
Under what conditions may objects be dropped from an aircraft?
If precautions are taken to avoid injury or damage to persons or property on the
Under what condition, if any, may a pilot allow a person who is obviously under the
influence of drugs to be carried aboard an aircraft?
In an emergency or if the person is a medical patient under proper care.
Which best describes the flight conditions under which flight crewmembers are
specifically required to keep their safety belts and shoulder harnesses fastened?
Safety belts during takeoff and landing and while en route; shoulder harnesses
during takeoff and landing.
What are airworthiness directives?
Legally enforced rules issued by the FAA in accordance with Part 39 to correct unsafe
conditions in a product on the aircraft
How long after changing ones mailing address must that person notify the FAA? How do you make this notification?
30 days, Can be completed via online at Airmen Services website (not IACRA) or mailed in via Form AC 8060-55
What are the requirements for currency for the Private pilot to fly with or without
passengers by day or night?
Regardless of passengers: flight review every 24 calendar months. With passengers, day: 3 takeoffs and 3 landings in the category, class, and type
passengers are to be in. With passengers, night: 3 takeoffs and 3 landings to a full stop in the category, class, and type passengers are to be in
What are the privileges and limitations of the Private pilot certificate?
Privileges. Fly associated with a business as long as its incidental, Candidates of federal elections, Share expense (pro rata) for fuel, oil, airport expenditures, or rental, Fly an aircraft for a charitable organization, Reimbursed for search and rescue, Demonstrate an aircraft (if you have 200hrs in that aircraft), Tow a glider
However, cannot be paid.
What are the alcohol rules per the regulations?
8 Hours after last consumption, .04 BAC, No longer under the influence.
What is a MEL?
A minimum equipment list. It’s a list of equipment that may be inoperative, yet still
allow an aircraft to operate safely. MELs are issued by the FAA.
How can one tell what equipment is or isn’t required by a CEL?
On a comprehensive equipment list, an item number for each piece of equipment.
Included in this item number, is a suffix letter that identifies the item as required,
standard, optional or additional – R,S,O,A.
When must a 100-hour inspection be made? Who can sign off on a 100 hour?
A 100hr inspection must be completed on aircraft that are for hire or used for flight
instruction, every 100hrs of tachometer time. They can be signed off by any Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) mechanic.
How often must the Altimeter/Pitot-Static system be inspected? Are VFR aircraft
required to meet this specific inspection?
24 calendar months. VFR aircraft are not required to meet this specific inspection, only IFR
List four occurrences that would require immediate notification to the NTSB.
Flight control system malfunction or failure
Inability of any required crewmember to perform normal flight duties as a result
of injury or illness, In-flight fire, Aircraft collision in flight, Damage to property, other than the aircraft, estimated to exceed $25,000 for repair or fair market value in the event of total loss, whichever is less, Release of all or a portion of a propellor blade from an aircraft, excluding release
caused solely by ground contact
What are the differences between an incident and an accident?
Incident: Any occurrence other than an accident, associated with the operation
of an aircraft, which affects or could affect the safety of flight
Accident: Any occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which
takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention
of flight and all such persons have disembarked, and in which any person suffers death or serious injury, or in which the aircraft receives substantial damage