Complex/Multi Flashcards
What is a complex aircraft?
An aircraft with retractable gear, flaps, and a controllable pitch prop
What’s needed to fly a complex Aircraft?
Group and flight training + an endorsement by an approved CFI
What are benefits and cons of retractable landing gear?
Cost, Complexity, Weight, Potential Failures, additional procedures & training
What is VLE and VLO?
VLE - Max operating Landing Gear Extended Spead
VLO - Max Landing Gear Operating Speed (While extending or retracting)
What is the normal operating pressure of a C172RG?
What is geometric pitch?
The theoretical distance a propellor should advance in one revolution
What is effective pitch?
the actual distance a propellor advances in one revolution
How does the governor work on a constant speed prop?
uses centrifugal force from rotating flyweights to automatically adjust the pitch of the prop. This ensures the engine maintains constant RPMs as pressurized oil is sent to the prop hub, changing the angle. When engine RPMs increase, flyweights move out, decreasing prop pitch and vice-versa
What are Cowl Flaps?
Devices arranged around certain air-cooled engines which may be opened & closed to regulate air around the engine.
Describe what a FADEC system is
Full Authority Digital Engine Control. Manages ignition and engine control systems and controls all aspects of engine performance digitally. Eliminates the need for magnetos, carb heat, mixture, engine priming
What is aircraft altitude?
the actual height above sea level at which the aircraft is flying
What is ambient temperature?
the temperature in the area immediately surrounding the aircraft
What is cabin altitude?
cabin pressure in terms of equivalent altitude above sea level
What is differential pressure?
the difference between cabin pressure and atmospheric pressure
Cabin Pressure Control System
provides cabin pressure regulation, pressure relief, vacuum relief, and the means for selecting the desired cabin altitude in the isobaric and differential range
the inability of the aircraft’s pressurization system to maintain its designed pressure differential. Can be caused by a malfunction in the pressurization system or structural damage to the aircraft
What is evolved gas decompression sickness?
Occurs when the pressure on the body drops sufficiently, nitrogen comes out of solution, and forms bubbles
What is required to obtain a ME rating? Can any limitations be put on it?
Endorsement for aeronautical knowledge areas and proficiency in areas of operation, Pass the Practical Test
Rating may be issued with centerline thrust or VFR limitations
What is a critical engine?
the engine in a multi-engine aircraft that would most negatively impact the aircraft’s handling and performance if it failed
Laterally Balanced
Balanced in such a way that the wings tend to remain level (Fuel- Inboards, Outboards)
Loading Schedule
Method for calculating and documenting aircraft weight and balance prior to taxiing, to ensure the aircraft will remain within all required weight and balance limitations throughout the flight.
Anti-Retraction Valve
Pressure on strut causes fluid to bypass actuators, prevents accidental gear up, located on left main landing gear
4 C’s of the ME go around procedure
Climb It - Set climb power and attitude
Clean It - Raise the gear after establishing a positive rate of climb, verify flaps up
Cool It - Open up the cowl flaps, as required
Call It - Announce your intentions on CTAF or with the tower
the calibrated airspeed at which, when the critical engine is suddenly made inoperative, it is possible to maintain control of the airplane with that engine still inoperative, and thereafter maintain straight flight at the same speed with an angle of bank of not more than 5 degrees.
VMC must be determined with…
the most unfavorable weight and CG position
The airplane airborne and the ground effect negligible
The airplane in the takeoff configuration
Maximum available takeoff power initially on each engine
The airplane trimmed for takeoff
Flaps in the takeoff position
Landing gear retracted
All propeller controls in the recommended takeoff position throughout
What’s the ECA policy for Accelerate-stop distance
Accelerate-Stop Distance calculated using the density altitude, gross weight, and wind plus a safety factor of:
500 feet (Day)
1,000 feet (Night)
Minimum Runway Length for all operations
What is a spin?
an aggravated stall that results in what is termed “autorotation” wherein the airplane follows a downward corkscrew path
True or False: A stall with only one engine operating will result in a spin
True or False: A spin in a multiengine airplane may not be recoverable
Name Some Principles of Flight with One Engine Inoperative…
Rudder to control the yaw created by asymmetric thrust and drag
Aileron to control the roll created by loss of induced flow
If yaw isn’t controlled, additional roll will be created by yawing moment
Elevator to control the pitch and ensure sufficient airspeed
How can we lower the actual VMC speed and increase controllability of the airplane?
Power on operating engine
Drag on inoperative engine
Landing Gear
Bank Angle
True or False: VMC must not exceed 1.4 VS1
False. VMC must not exceed 1.2 VS1
On a complex airplane, accidental gear retraction is typically prevented by mounting what type of switch to the landing gear?
Squat Switch
Aztec Specs?
Basic Empty -3155
T/O - 5200
Land - 4940
Fuel - 140 Useable Gallons
Zero Fuel -4400