Multi/Complex Flashcards
Describe how the propeller governor controls the rotational speed on a modern hydraulically actuated constant-speed propeller?
The governor changes the blade angle to maintain constant RPM. When the airplane is pitched down the governor will increase the blade angle to prevent the engine RPMs from increasing and to prevent over-speeding.
For operations under 14 CFR §91.211 in a pressurized aircraft, why is at least one pilot required to wear an oxygen mask when flying at altitudes above FL410?
in case pressure altitude exceeds 14,000 ft inside the aircraft
Into what position will the propeller blades on the C172RG rotate should loss of engine oil pressure occur?
Low Pitch, High RPMs
What is the definition of Explosive Decompression?
a change in cabin pressure faster than the lungs can decompress, can cause lung damage
What would trigger the gear warning horn if the gear is not down an locked in the C172RG?
Throttle Position
Flap Position
In a pressurized aircraft, air is released from the fuselage by what type of valve?
Outflow Valve
For operations under 14 CFR §91.211, the required minimum flight crew must be provided with and use supplemental oxygen during the entire flight time above cabin pressure altitudes of?
When cabin pressure exceeds 14000 ft
What are three different types of Oxygen Delivery Systems?
Diluter-Demand Oxygen System
Pressure-Demand Oxygen System
On a complex airplane, accidental gear retraction is typically prevented by mounting what type of switch to the landing gear?
Safety (Squat) Switch
What is Accelerate-Stop Distance?
The total distance required to accelerate the aircraft to a specified speed using all engines, then to stop the aircraft.
What is Accelerate-Go Distance?
The total distance required to accelerate an aircraft to a specified speed, then (assuming an engine failure at that speed) to continue to takeoff & climb above a 50 ft obstacle
What is the number one priority in the event of an engine failure?
To maintain directional control
In the multi engine world, what do they mean by critical engine?
The engine whose failure has the most adverse effect on directional control. It can also be considered critical if it has components installed that are not on the other engine, loss of it will dramatically increase pilot workload.
How do we identify which engine has failed on a multi engine aircraft?
Dead Leg-Dead Engine Method. Determine which rudder pedal is not being pressed to compensate for the yaw cause by the failed engine.
What does feathering the prop do on a multi engine aircraft?
Rotating the prop blades to a position parallel to the airflow. Significantly reducing drag on the aircraft when an engine fails, allowing the pilot to maintain better control and performance with only one operating engine.
What are key steps to follow in Aztec N706SP after an engine failure shortly after takeoff with no runway remaining (memory items from checklist)?
Directional Control… Maintain
Pitch… Vyse Attitude
Mixture Controls… Full Forward
Propellor Controls… Full Forward
Throttle Controlls. Full Forward above Vyse
Flap Selector… Up
Gear Selector… Up
Electric Full Pump… On
Pressure Crossfeed… On
Inoperative Engine… Identify
Inoperative Engine… Verify with Throttle
Inoperative Engin Prop Control… Feather
Bank & Yaw… Set for Zero Sideslip
Emergency Hydraulic Hand Pump… As Required
What is Basic Operating Weight?
Basic Empty Weight+Crew & Luggage. (Everything except useable fuel)
What is Single-Engine Absolute Ceiling?
Highest altitude you can climb and maintain.
What is Sporty’s policy with Cylinder Head Temp (CHT)?
25 degrees