Instrument 1 Flashcards
What are the Magnetic Errors? If you are turning to a South Heading, what heading do you roll out at? what about North?
Magnetic Dip
Northerly Turning Error <- important (NUSO)
Acceleration Error
What is standard Pressure & Temp
15 Degrees Celsius
What is the difference between anti-icing & de-icing equipment? Do we have any of this equipment?
Anti prevents ice
De gets rid of ice
Yes, we have the very basic (Pitot Heat)
What are the required Equipment for IFR flight?
G - Generators or Alternators
R - Radios
A - Altimeter
B - Ball (or Turn coordinator)
C - Clock
A - Attitude Indicator
R - Rate of Turn
D - Directional Gyro
What instruments are apart of the 6 Pack? What system are they apart of?
Attitude (Vacuum, Gyro)
Heading (Vacuum, Gyro)
Turn Coordinator (Electric)
Describe the Altimeter
Gives you your Altitude, - true altitude adjusted for nonstandard pressure - (Static Pressure vs Altimeter Setting)
How is the Altimeter Constructed?
One side of the wafers is fixed, and the “non-fixed” side is attached via mechanical linkage to the dial, as static pressure changes the wafers contract and expand, moving the dial.
- Wafers are sealed at 29.92”
What are the errors associated with an Altimeter?
When flying from an area from high pressure to low, the altimeter will show higher from the ground than you actually are. (High to Low look out Below)
What are the different Types of Altitude?
True - Altitude above MSL
Indicated - Read straight from the altimeter
Absolute - Altitude Above the ground
Pressure - Altitude corrected from nonstandard pressure
Density - Altitude corrected for nonstandard pressure & Temp
What are the types of Airspeed?
True - The speed the aircraft is actually traveling through the air
Indicated - Read Directly from the Airspeed Indicator
Calibrated - Ind. Airspeed adjusted for installation or configuration errors.
Ground Speed - The speed at which you are traveling relative to the ground
Describe the VSI
Vertical Speed Indicator, both a rate & a trend instrument
Uses pressure differential to determine your climb rate
Static pressure is “injected” straight into the wafers & the case via a calibrated leak, as the aircraft climbs or descends, the pressure changing causes the wafers to expand & contract (slightly delayed)
Describe the Airspeed Indicator
Measures difference between Pitot & Static Pressure
Consists of a thin, corrugated, phosphor-bronze aneroid that receives pitot pressure.
Case is sealed with Static-Pressure
As pitot pressure increases, aneroid expands and pushes on the dials moving the needle
What is the difference between Pitot & Static Pressure?
Pitot Pressure is the measure of ram air pressure
Static Pressure changes as Altitude changes
What are the Pitot-Static Errors?
Unusual Attitudes can change the airflow over the static ports & pitot-tube
Blocked Pitot-Tube causes ASI to read 0
Blocked Pitot-Tube & drain hole causes ASI to act as altimeter
Blocked Static Port causes errors in ASI, VSI, ALT, and an alternate static port must be used, may include breaking VSI glass.
Describe the Attitude Indicator
Indicates attitude of airplane relative to the true horizon.
Typically powered by a gyro, usually vacuum driven, spins on a horizontal plane upon a vertical axis.
G5’s are Inertia Based
Double gimbal mounted so it gives both pitch and bank information
The Artificial horizon stays in place while the aircraft rotates around it.
Pendulous vanes are four “exhaust” ports equally space that keeps the gyro stabilized be limiting the air that can pass through each.
Describe the Heading Indicator
Double gimbal mounted and spins vertically, which allows the aircraft to spin about it horizontally
Describe the Turn Coordinator
Operates on precession, and gyro is canted about 30 degrees upward so it detects rate of roll and rate of turn.
Designed to indicate a standard rate turn
What is the Inclinometer?
Ball of turn coordinator. shows quality of the turn
Ball is inside a tube filled with kerosine
When ball is centered, the turn is coordinated
When the ball is on the same side as the turn, the turn is slipping, not enough rudder
When the ball is opposite the turn, the turn is skidding, either too much rudder or not enough bank
What are the instrument flying fundamentals?
- Instrument Scan and Crosscheck
- Instrument Interpretation
- Aircraft control
What are the types of instruments scans?
Selected Radial- Focuses primarily on attitude indicator
Inverted V- goes up and down and across to verify attitudes
Rectagular crosscheck- goes accross, down and back
What are some errors that happen when scanning instruments?
Fixation- Focusing too much on an instrument, usually one that is giving an erratic reading and letting the others walk off on the pilot
Omission- ignoring or skipping an instrument during the scan
Emphasis- Placing too much focus on one instrument, using heading indicator to hold direction, and letting the altitude walk off
What is the point of instrument scans?
Proper Interpretation allows pilot to verify attitude and make appropriate corrections (double check instruments)
Describe a Magnetic Compass
Uses magnetism to align compass card to magnetic poles of the earth.
Float assembly filled with kerosene to allow free movement of the compass cards
What are the types of Hypoxia
Hypoxia- lack of oxygen in general, mainly from high altitudes
Histotoxic- drug and alcohol related
Hypemic- blood is unable to pick up oxygen, carbon monoxide poisoning
Stagnent- caused by high g forces
What is AHRS?
Attitude & Heading Reference System that consists of sensors on three axes that provide attitude information for aircraft, including roll, pitch, and yaw. Consist of either solid-state or microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) gyroscopes, accelerometers and magnetometers. They are designed to replace traditional mechanical gyroscopic flight instruments.
How can you tell if a VOR is out of service?
Morse code identification will be removed, but you may still receive directional information which may not be used for IFR operations
What are the Types of VOR Checks & degree difference standards?
VOT (VOR Test Facility) +/- 4
Ground Check +/- 4
Airborne Check +/- 6
Dual VOR Check +/- 4 between the two
When doing a VOR Check what do you need to record?
Location (VOR)
What are the Control & Performance Instruments?
Pitch Instruments:
Attitude indicator, Altimeter, Airspeed Indicator, Vertical Speed Indicator
Bank Instruments:
Attitude Indicator, Heading Indicator, Magnetic Compass, Turn Coordinator
Power -
Airspeed Indicator, Engine Instruments, Manifold Pressure, Tachometer, Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR)
What information does the Gyroscopic Instruments provide?
When might the Attitude Indicator read incorrectly?
During extreme pitches & banks. Also, if the vacuum pump isn’t working properly
During a long cross-country what needs to be done with the heading indicator of a vacuum system?
Needs to be double checked. Friction and precession may cause it to be slightly off