Spiruroids - Heartworm Flashcards
Lifecycle of Canine Heartworm
Pathogenesis of heartworm
Presence of worm and Wolbachia (bacteria needed for survival) -> proliferative endarteritis (thickening) of pulmonary ateries -> decreased compliance ++
Thrombosis and thromboembolism (esp with dead parasites) -> pulmonary hypertension -> increased afterload of R ventricle -> R ventricular hypertrophy and dilation -> RSCHF +/- caval syndrome (worms migration to the heart and liver in the end stages)
Clinical signs caused by the immune response. Antigens also from Wolbachia
Pulmonary Arterial Disease?
Myointimal proliferation > villus proliferation of endothelium; inflammation; leakage
Caval Syndrome
Clinical signs
Heartworm diagnosis
- History - travelled recently? Heartworm prevention?
- Detection of mff in blood (won’t tell you which species)
- concentration methods (knotts test, filtration method)
What is an occult infection?
- 30% are occult
- no mff in the circulation
(all worms are the same sex, single worm infection, pre-patent infection or geriatric worms, ectopic infections, drug induced elimination (ivermectin, doxycycline), immunologically mediated elimination of mff)
Problems with diagnosis methods?
False neg due to occult infection
No indication of worm burden
Other filarial species in your area???
Further tests
- Antigen tests to adult female worms (at leats 3 females needed for consistent results)
- Sp (96-100%) and Se (90-96%)
- Beware - PPV and NPV when interpreting test in low prevalence area.
What does the inverted D mean?
enlarged R ventricle
Control of heart worm.
Drug efficacy on the age of parasite
Treament step 1: supportive care
A) strict rest up to 4 weeks post treatment (exercise makes RSCHF worse)
B) corticosteroids: prednisalone 0.5 mg/kg alternate days pre- and up to 1 month post adulticide
C) PLUS doxycycline @ 10 mg/kg for 3-4 weeks (Wolbachia)
Treatment Step 2: Prevent new infections and kill mff
Macrocytic lactones (monthly chew or injectible) start on day 0
- prevent new infection
- Kills circulating mff over 7-10 days old (beaware of anaphylaxis if too quick)
- over the longer term (4-12 month) kills juveniles and adults
Treatment Step 3: Kill Adults
- Melarsomine by deep IM lumbar injection - kills worms >4mo
- (one injection followed at least by 1 month later by 2 injections of the same dose 24 hours apart)
- Monitor clinical improvement
- repeat antigen test in 6 months to confirm adulticide success.
Overall treatment timeline