Protozoa - Coccidia - Eimeria Flashcards
What is schizogony?
multiple progeny from 1 cell
formation of merozoites
What is sporogony?
Formation of sporozoites
Apical complex features
Cytoskeletal and secretory functions
-> penetration and invasion
What is a parasitophorus vacuole?
A bag that the parasite sites in to mask it from the hosts immune system. Also replicated and feeds in here.
Apicomplexa replication
- Schizogony
- Gametogony
- Sporogony
- asexual -> merozoites (pathogenic stage)
- sexual - macro and micro gametes -> zygote -> unsporulated oocyst
- Asexual - sporulation of the oocyst in external environment or within the host (infective stage)
Apicomplexa direct lifecycle
Which species and what is the configuration?
1 oocyst: 2 sporocyst: 4 sporozoite
= 8
Which species and what configuration?
1 oocyst: 4 Sporocyst: 2 Sporozoite
Which species and what is the configuration?
0: 2 sporocyst: 4 sporozoite
Configuration of Cryptosporidium?
1 Oocyst: 0 sporocyst : 4 free sporozoite
Non cysts forming coccidia
- lifecycle direct or indirect?
- Direct lifecycle
- Eimeria
- Cystoisospora
- Cryptosporidium
Hosts of Eimeria
Birds, ruminants, lagomorphs (hare and rabbit)
highly host specific
Eimeria adult site
- endogenous development in the intestinal mucosa
Lifecycle of Eimeria
Oocysts in the faeces -> sporulation (sporogony) -> sporocyst and sporozoite -> infect a new host -> sporozoites released in gut -> invade host cells -> schizogony -> lyse host cell to release merozoites -> gametogony -> zygote -> oocyst
Significance of coccidiosis due to Eimeria
Economic losses - poultry
Enteritis (watery/bloody diarrheo)