Spinal Cord Anatomy Flashcards
- nearly instantaneous, automatic, involuntary motor responses caused by nervous system
- caused by stimuli inside or outside body
- sometimes involve brainstem
contains midbrain, pons, medulla
reflex arc
- neural pathway that nerve impulse travels
- if goes thru CNS, that reflex can be used to examine nervous system function
- 5 components (for spinal reflexes)
gray matter
- central part of spinal cord
- contains cell bodies of neurons
- where neurons synapse with other neurons (e.g. interneurons)
white matter
- surrounds gray matter in spinal cord
- contains axons of neurons
dorsal root ganglion (DRG)
contains cell bodies of sensory neurons
dorsal root (of nerve)
- contains axons of sensory neurons
- sensory info goes through here to enter spinal cord
ventral root (of nerve)
- contains axons of motor neurons
- motor info leaves spinal cord through here
anterior horn
- located in gray matter
- contains motor neuron cell bodies
posterior horn
- located in gray matter
- where sensory neurons synapse on interneurons
spinal reflexes
- faster than conscious decision to move from brain
- fewer neurons, impulses have shorter length of travel
- located at end of sensory neuron
- reacts to stimulus
sensory (afferent) neuron
conducts impulses from receptor via afferent pathway to CNS
integration center
one or more synapses within CNS
motor (efferent) neuron
conducts impulses away from integration center via efferent pathway to effector