What does incapacity mean?
incapable of:
MAKING a decision
RETAINING memory of the decision
how do you check the patient has understood and has the capacity to consent?
open questions
chunk and check
teach back
taking the blame
What does the adults with incapacity (scotland) act 2000 safegaurd?
the welfare and manages the finances of people aged 16 years and over who lack capacity
what certificate is issues to a person who lacks capacity to consent to dental tx?
Section 47 certificate
what is the section 47 certificate issued according to?
5 principles
2. LEAST restrictive of freedom
3. The persons past and present WISHES
4. CONSULT relevant others
5. Encourage RESIDUAL capacity
what is a ‘proxy’?
someone who has been authorised to act on behalf of an adult with incapacity
- substitute decision maker
- legally recognised
what is a powers of attorney?
granted by the adult whilst they have capacity to choose who they wish to act on their behalf, should the need arise
describe powers of attorney and how it is valid?
must be in writing
must be registered with the Officer of Public Guardian (OPG)
powers are dormant until needed
do not have an expiry date
what are the 3 types of powers of attorney?
welfare - medical
continuing - money, property and business
joint or combined - all of the above
what must be done when checking documents of an adult with incapacity?
ask to see original or lawyer endorsed copy
electronic versions do not have embossed seal
need to read body of doc
must check what powers have been granted
can check with OPG
what is a gaurdian?
granted when an adult either
- no longer has capacity to choose who they wish to make decisions for them
- the adult has never been able to make their own decisions
how does a person get a gaurdian?
court process, granted by sheriff
requires medical and social work reports
difference between a guardian and PoA?
guardian has an expiry date (usually 3 years)
different process to get one
what are the 3 types of guardianship powers?
financial/ property
what is an intervener?
appointed for a one-off event
who can consent for dental treatment?
pts with capacity
welfare power of attorneys
welfare guardians
what do you do if there is a proxy for pt, in regards to gaining consent?
follow 5 key principles
get consent from proxy
have an AWI certificate (S47) certificate issued
what do you do if there is no proxy but pt does not have capacity?
follow 5 key principles
have an SWI certificate (S47) issues
the S47 authorises tx to go ahead
who is able to complete an AWI certificate?
dentists, nurses, and optometrists after further training