PAEDS the vulnerable child Flashcards
describe the term safegaurding?
the action that is taken to promote the welfare of all children and young people and protect them from hard/ maltreatment
list the forms of maltreatment?
sexual abuse
what is the dentists responsibility in regards to safegaurding and child protection?
follow local procedures involved in raising concerns about possible abuse and neglect of children
what is child abuse and neglect?
anything which those entrusted with the care of children do, or fail to do, which damages their prospects of safe and healthy development into adulthood
what are some contributing factors to child abuse?
adult: drugs, alcohol, poverty, mental illness, disability, step parents
child: crying, soiling, unwanted pregnancy, wrong gender
community. environmental: dwelling place and housing conditions
family violence
what are 3 parenting factors which can most likely result in child abuse?
parental substance misuse
domestic abuse
parental mental ill health
where are some common areas of accidental injury?
palm of hand
head injury (involving parietal bone, occiput or forehead)
*bony prominences, match history, in keeping with the development of the child
what sites on the body would imply non-accidental injury?
ears (pinch marks)
‘triangle of safety’
inner arm
back and side of trunk over bony spine
black eyes
forearms (raised to protect)
chest and abdomen
groin/ genital
inner thigh
soles of feet
*bilateral injury, soft tissue, particular pattern, doesnt fit explanation, delays in presentation, untreated injury
what are the physical abuse final check list questions?
could the injury have been an accident and how?
does the explanation for injury fit the age and clinical findings?
if explanation fits, is this itself within normal acceptable limits of behaviour?
delay in seeking advice, good reason for this?
what are the physical abuse final check list observations?
general demeanor of child
nature of the relationship between guardian and child
childs reaction to other people
reaction of the child to any medical or dental exam
comments by the child and or gaurdian that give concern about the childs upbringing/ lifestyle
what does professional curiosity involve?
list the legislative frameworks on child protection?
UNCRC Scotlands Act 2024
National Guidance for Child Protection Scotland 2021
Scottish approach - GIRFEC policy and practice model
where is the triangle of safety?
ears, side of face, and neck, top of shoulders
what is the aim of GIRFEC?
putting the child or young person at the centre
name the sections of the SHANARRI wheel
list types of vulnerable children?
under 5s
irregular attenders, repeated DNA, return in pain, exposed risks to GA
medical problems and disabilities
what is a looked after child (LAC)?
children who are subject to compulsory measures of care by their local authority
children accommodated by the local authority on a voluntary basis, with consent of parents
may still be living in their own homes, in the care of relatives, in foster care, or living in residential establishments
what is dental neglect defined as?
persistent failure to meet a CYPs basic oral health needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of their oral or general health/ development
why does the number of carious teeth not indicate severity of ‘dental neglect’?
multi-factorial aetiology of dental caries
variation in individual susceptibility
inequalities in dental health
inequalities in access to dental tx
differences in tx philosophies
what are ways to manage dental neglect?
preventative dental team response - raise concern with parent, offer support, set targets and monitor progress
preventative multi agency response - contacting other professions who you know are involved with the family
child protection refferal
what are ACEs?
adverse childhood experiences
stressful or traumatic experiences that occur during childhood
what do ACEs increase ones risk of?
heart disease
type 2 diabetes
mental illness
commit violence
what signs raise concerns of neglect?
dirty/ smelly clothes, skin or hair
child may be small/ failing to thrive with no explanation for this in their MH
atypical behaviour - anxious, watchful, aggression, hyperactivity, withdrawal
presentation of parent/ child
if you have concerns about a childs welfare after discussing with experienced colleagues, who do you refer to?
social work
health/ education
what are the 5 girfec questions?
what is getting in the way of this childs and young persons wellbeing?
do i have all the information i need to help this young child or young person?
what can i do now to help this child or young person?
what can my agency do to help this child or young person?
what additional help may be needed from others?
what WNB pathway is used for children and young people up to their 18th birthday?
what WNB pathway is followed for children whoa re the subject of a child protection plan or who are looked after?
what WNB pathway is used for children receiving orthodontic assessment or treatment?
what WNB pathway is used for vulnerable adults/ adults at risk?
Who are the local contacts regarding child protection?
paediatric consultant on call
lead person for child protection
social work including out of hours
police public protection unit - 101
child protection advice line