SOP #9: Search and Rescue Flashcards
What type of dwelling is this basic departmental procedure for search and rescue?
one, two and 3 family dwellings
What strategic objectives shall be considered when persons are trapped in a building?
a. firefighter safety
b. civilian removal
c. fire control
1. life exposure
2. exterior exposure
3. interior exposure
What are 3 tactical objectives that ladder companies and special hazards can perform during search and rescue?
Ladder rescue
What are 2 tactical objectives that engine companies can perform during search and rescue?
Fire control
What are the 4 types of victim priorty?
Severly exposed
Moderately expose
slightly exposed
body recovery
Danger of death or severe injury due to fire exposure. On the fire floor or the floor above exposed to the fire or products of combustion and unable to exit without assistance from fire department is which type of exposure?
Severely exposed
Moderately Exposed
Person on the fire floor or floor above the fire who are conscious, ambulatory and need and direction to exit.
Slightly Exposed
person remote from the fire are who are in no immediate danger and need no immediate assistance to evacuate
Body Recovery
human remains, shall be covered and protected until the arrival of the medical examiner.
FF shall not be exposed to unnecessary danger in order to perform body recovery
What order shall victims be removed?
- self (unassisted) normal exits
- fire department assisted normal exits
- fire department assisted via aerial/ground ladder.
- fire department search and rescue operations
This type of search is conducted on all offensive structural firefighting operations. Rapid search of all involved and exposed areas affected by fire.
Primary Search
Thorough search of the interior of the fire area after completing fire that can be safely entered after completing fire control, ventilation and other support acts.
Secondary search
should be conducted by people other than the people who did the primary search.
What is the largest group of fire victims are those people who are unable to move at the outbreak of fire?
- Elderly
- Infants
- small childeren
- Intoxicated
What are some causes of victims being trapped?
- Cut offf from their means of escape
- overcome while trying to escape
- sleeping at the start of fire
What factors must officers pay attention to during size up?
Time of day
location and extent of fire
What information should you attempt to obtain from occupants?
How many occupants
their age
and location of occupants
note: bystanders are less reliable than family members
What are other factors that should be used for size up?
vehicle parked in driveway or commercial parking lot
mailboxes, doorbells and electrical meters
Equipment to search for life?
scba, PPE, light, forcible entry tool, pass device
recommended door markers, search rope
How should you search ?
as rapidly as possible as close to the fire as possible. maintaining contact with a wall using leg or hand. Search clockwise or counter-clockwise probing the middle w/tool
When searching, when should you vent?
vent as you go as long as it does not contribute to fire spread.
If a person can be saved by venting do so, even if it will cause fire spread.
If room is too hot to enter, probing inside a door may?
reveal a victim overcome trying to escape
Before opening a door to search we must?
check the door and know to see if it is hot.
Stay to one side. (do not stand in front)
a door that is HOT should not open if it threats egress
The first ariving officer shall give a brief size-up including?
status of occupants
location and extend of fire
1st arriving Co. Officer shall order a hose line advanced with these tactical objectives in mind?
Protection Firefighters, victims, egress
Fire control is last
When shall Co. officer notify command when searching or rescuing?
Victim located
completion of search
areas unable to be searched
fire extension
location of fire
progress of hoseline
company advancing
company holding
company retreating
First arriving ladder officer shall direct operations of company with these tactical objectives in mind?
1.position apparatus as to remove severly exposed victims or roof ventilation
2. check windows for trapped victims
3. perform search and rescue on fire floor or severly exposed victims
4. search and rescue fire floor or above
5. ventilation
Multiple victims or large search area IC should consider?
search and rescue officer