SOP #34: Mass Casualty Incident Operations Flashcards
The Incident commander shall make the declaration of MCI when?
the number of patients exceeds the resources available
How will size-up be done at a MCI?
in accordance w/ determination of the resources that can be reasonably expected to respond within the first fifteen minutes.
What is the only EMT Skill that will be denied to victims of a MCI?
What are the three (3) lifesaving skills addressed by the primary triage process?
rapid deterioration of vitals due to shock
Which one will be treated first, victims with arterial bleeding or victims with cardiac arrest?
Arterial bleeding
What are the five (5) levels of MCIs?
Level 1: 0-10 w/o special circumstances
Level 2 : 11-30
Level 3: 31 - 50
level 4 : 51 - 100
Level 5: 100 patients or more
The EMS sector officer will assign and supervise?
Primary Triage Officer
secondary triage officer
treatment officer
transport officer
loading officer
What is the role of the primary triage officer?
Sort out those victims w/ immediate life-threatening problems w/ high probability of survival in the condition is attended to immediately
What should be used to to perform a rapid survey of each victim?
Simple triage and Rapid Treatment (START)
identify obvious life threatening conditions
What is the responsibility of the secondary triage officer?
- Determines the order of patient evacuation from the scene to treatment area
- supervises ff assigned to tag patients
- sort victims for priority evacuation
What is METTAG?
Medical emergency triage tags
What should the secondary triage officer do?
a. View all patients
b. classify all patients according to their need for treatment
c. tag all patients w/METTAG
What are the roles of the treatment officer?
- establish, identify, mark and supervise the treatment area
- receive and review condition of all patients
- ensure proper security of the treatment area thru IC
What are the roles of the transport officer?
assign rescue companies and ambulance crews to transport patients and to which hospital
identify and mark loading point adjacent to patient treatment area
What information will the transport officer communicate to the hospital?
a. METTAG Number
b. Age/sex of pt.
c. major injury
d. departure time
What are the four (4) types of METTAGs?
Category 0: Black = Dead
Category 1: Red = Rapid Transport, Patient in immediate need of care
Category 2: Yellow = Delayed Transport, patient not in jeopardy
Category 3: Green = Patient remains with minor injuries