SOP#7: Infection Control Flashcards
As the infection control states, what does PPE stand for?
Specialized clothing or equipment used by members to protect against biohazard.
What is the most important infection control?
Hand washing
10 to 15 seconds
soap and water (if unavailable use hand sanitizer)
When shall medical gloves be donned?
prior to initiating any patient contact.
Where sharp or rough edges are likely to be encountered, what should be used?
Structural FF Gloves over medical gloves.
When handling, cleaning, decontaminating or
disinfecting potentially contaminated patient care equipment, members should use?
Heavy Duty utility gloves
In any situation where splash or spray contact with the face is possible, what should be worn?
Facial Protection
Where splash or spray contact with clothing is possible, what should be utilized?
Fluid resistant gowns or coveralls
What should be made available for those members that are allergic to latex?
Hypoallergenic gloves, glove liners, powder-less gloves, or other similar alternatives
Who shall ensure that the vehicles have ad adequate stock of PPE and infection control equipment at all times?
Biohazard waste containers shall be closeable, shall be color coded and label according to?
Medical waste shall be bagged, sealed and disposed of at?
Proper medical facilities
Contamination prone areas in rescue vehicles, particularly the steering wheel, microphone, control panel, door handles, shall be cleaned and decontaminated when?
At the beginning of each shift, and after each possible exposure
When shall each bin, pails, cans and similar receptacles intended for reuse be inspected and decontaminated?
1st day back each cycle or visible contamination
What is the most common blood exposure?
Needles being recapped
Patients with suspected airborne communicable diseases will be transported?
with surgical mask, windows open and ventilation systems turned on.
If garment is penetrated by blood or other infectious material, what must be done?
Removed immediately. garment should be placed in a leak-proof biohazard bag until it can be appropriately washed or otherwise disposed of
Where should cleaning and disinfection of emergency medical equipment take place?
Medical facility
All equipment and working surfaces shall be cleaned after contacting blood or other infectious disease with?
disinfectant or 1:100 solution of bleach in water
Immediately after being exposed shall?
wash exposed are with soap and water.
Mucous membranes should be flushed with water or saline eye wash if eyes are involved.
If any member exposed to TB or other communicable disease shall immediately notify?
BOC; BOC will notify district chief
Exposed members will fill out ______ form and turn it in to?
Rhode island prehospital exposure form; Triage nurse at emergency room.
Hospital personnel will complete Part B of the Form and then detach
the blue carbon copy and return it to the exposed member.
Exposed member or officer shall ensure triage nurse notify?
The charge nurse and/or ACM (Assistant clinical Manager)
Should be taken to RIH or Roger Williams Hospital
Members exposed while in the performance of their duties shall complete?
PFD Injured on Duty Package after the exposure.
Within how many days of initial assignment of and how frequently shall a Hepatitis B Vaccination be offered?
10 days of initial emergency duties assignment and periodically