SOP #51: Special Paid Detail Flashcards
What shall members on Special paid detail make every effort to seek?
cooperation of management to see that rules, ordinaces and laws are complied with.
At a Special Paid Detail, members by personal inspection shall ensure?
all means of egress are properly marked,
clear w/o obsrtuction
portable extinguishing equip. shall be in place and accessible
location of fire alarm activation points
note the main fire alarm panel
What is the primary responsibility of members on a Special paid detail in the event of a fire or other emergency?
ensure appropriate alarm is transmitted to the Bureau of Operational Control (BOC). Can be:
- Master Box
- to BOC via department radio
- cell phone to BOC
- cell phone to 911
- venue’s Fire Command Center when staffed
What should be done in the event that member assigned to Special Paid Detail cannot correct situation?
notify District Chief where detail is located
If there is a recall of members back to duty what shall members of Special Paid Detail do?
Remain on duty at such detail. Once detail is finished report to their assigned quarters.
How are members assigned to Special Paid Details supposed to clock in?
Use RollKall app upon arrival at detail
Who shall members sign in with at a Special Paid Detail?
Proper authority
event security personnel
facility manager
What should be done when a Special Paid Dtail event requires Command Center to manned?
Report to command center
accountability w/ command officer
and assignment of radio channel
What are some important things to consider when more than one (1) member is assigned to Special Paid Detail?
disperse and not congregate
Not stationary for more than a few minutes
How is a member to relieve another member at a Special Paid Detail?
meet incoming member at representatives office or command center
meet 15 minutes before end of your shift.
relay pertinent info to incoming member
What are some things that should be inspected at Special Paid Details?
- exit doors open in the direction of egress travel. not locked, bolted
- Exterior stairways + Fire escape free of snow + ice
- Portable extinguishers in place, accessible, properly maintained,
inspection date current - Chk for an accumulation of refuse or combustible
What shoul the egress floor plan show at a Special Paid Detail?
- occupant load
- seating diagram
- location of exits
note: plan must be submitted to FIre Prevention Bureau
approval + signature from Assistant Deputy State Fire Marshall
How much time does a member have to apply for a Special Paid Detail once they are notified?
48 Hours
In the event of an emergency and member is unable to take the paid detail assigned they shall?
Notify Division1, Battalion 3 and Detail Officer