SOP# 32: Operations at a Structure Fire Flashcards
At a working structure fire, members in IDLH shall operate in?
Teams of two (2) or more
Members operating in IDLH atmosphere shall be in communication by?
Visual, audible, physical means, or a safety guide rope
note: to provide assistance in case of emergency
During initial stages of working structure fire where only one team is operating in IDLH, what is the minimum requirement?
four (4) members consisting of two (2) working as a team in IDLH,
two (2) on stanby mode outside IDLH
At a structure fire what are the standby members responsibility?
constant awareness
- number (#) and identity, location and time of entry
During inital stages of a working structure fire when only one (1) company is on scene, when can the company enter IDLH?
not until second unit arrives on scene
note: this does not prevent first arriving company from making preparation to enter
What are the exception to entering IDLH during initial stages, when only one (1) company is on scene?
a. Investigation mode - No fire showing (1 member must remain outside)
b. minor fire
c. imminent life-threatening situation - may prevent loss of life or serioius injury
When is the incident no longer in the initial stages?
once a second company arrives on the scene
at least one (1) rapid team will be required
What shall the incident commander ensure in the early stages of a working structure fire?
RIT requirement s is satisfied.
- on-scene members performing other functions but ready to deploy to perform RIT functions
- on-scene members designated and dedicate as RIT or FAST
Type of rapid intervention team that is designated and dedicated to serve as a RIT?
FAST company
360-degree survey and assessment of the type of building construction, location of doors and access to the structure, occupancy and contents of the structure, location of the fire in the structure, time of day and weather conditions, time of the alarm, and day of the week.
A complete size-up of a fire incident assist Incident commander in?
- determining what resources will be needed and are available
- developing a sound strategy prior to making offensive or interior attack
What leads to the development of an Incident action Plan?
Size-up evaluation
Where does size-up begin?
Pre-fire planning
How does size-up information provide incoming companies help?
To better understand the conditions that exist or are likely to develop and allows appropriate consideration to be given to actions that may be required of them.
What are the three (3) main areas of concern with size-up?
What do we have?
Where is it going?
How do we control it?
Upon arrival of the first arriving officer and make a 360-degree survey and give a brief size-up that include?
Status of occupants
Visible smoke and fire conditions
At a structure fire the first arriving engine shall first?
pull past the fire building
How shall the first engine company position their apparatus at a fire scene?
to provide maximum access for ladder companies
note: additional responding engine companies shall not block the access of incoming ladder companies to the fire building from either direction.
What shall additional responding engine companies on the first alarm not being utilized to pump or lay feeders do?
Parked at tactically correct locations to allow them to lay additional feeders should the need arise
What is one of the most important decisions that engine company officers are called upon to make?
Choice of which size should be used: Line selection
What factors have a direct beating on hose-line selection and placement?
Building occupancy
height and location of fire
What are two (2) criteria used in determining proper line selection?
- is the amount of water being discharged sufficient volume to remove the heat being generated and
- is water reaching the seat of the fire
What is the importance of the fire flow formula?
it allows us to estimate the are of fire that a given sized line will extinguish.
What are the general guidelines for line selection?
1 3/4
- attack line for Residential or Light commerical
2 1/2
- Exterior attack/exposure protection for residential or commercial
- Interior Attack for Heavy commercial Industrial
Master Stream
- all occupancies
Where shall the first attack line be placed?
between the fire and the most severe exposure
What type of exposures are there ?
Life and property
When a life or lives are endangered by a fire, where should the hose line be placed?
Between the fire and victims means of egress
When no lives are in danger, the first hoseline should be placed ?
between the fire and the most severe property exposure
note: property exposure can be exterior or interior
What are the incident priorites?
Life Safety
Incident stabilization
Property Conservation
An aggressive interior attack, when ever possible shall be made upon the fire from?
unburned portion of the building toward the area that is burining
The first arriving engine company shall announce?
location of which they have taken their line and are operating (floor and quadrant)
Where shall the first attack line remain?
are where they were initially deployed until the fire in that area is completely extinguished and area fully overhauled
What shall the second attack line do?
back up the first attack line but have sufficient hose to operated on the floor above
At a structure fire the third attack line shall?
be taken to the floor above the fire w/enough hose to operate on the next floor provided there are no other fire exposures on or below the fire floor.
note: consider using alternative means of access if first two (2) lines used same entrance
Before redeploying company officer shall check with?
Sector officer or Incident command
Who is responsible for ensuring that an adequate water supply has been provided to the first engine company before engaging in any other tasks?
Second dispatched company
What shall be done before dressing a hydrant?
should be opened to ensure that it is operational
What is the most common method used by the Providence Fire department to lay feeders?
Straight/forward lay
note: congestion on scene Infront of building
What is the preferred method to lay feeders?
reverse hose lay
note: from the scene to the hydrant avoid congestion on scene
note: also good for relay pumping
What should be used for narrow, dead-end or limited access streets?
Split lay
note: communication by first arriving officer to incoming trucks
What should be given consideration as a tactical option at fires that require feeders in excess of 500 feet or where there are water supply problems?
Relay Pumping
What is the primary priority of the first arriving ladder company?
Remove exposed victims visible from the exterior of the building
Each of the ladder companies responding on first alarm should be positioned to ?
allow the aerial device to access the roof and at least two (2) sides of the building
First arriving ladder company officer shall direct operations of the company in accordance with the following tactical objectives:
a. examine exterior for trapped victims
b. remove exposed victims visible from exterior
c. perform search and rescue
d. vent roof
e. forcible entry
f. ventilation (additional)
g. overhaul
h. ground ladders
I. Salvage
What should be given serious consideration with ventilation of a wooden flat roof?
Assigning additional personnel
What should be done once roof ventilation is complete?
notify IC
reposition aerial for horizontal ventilation or emergency egress
What shall the second arriving ladder company do?
accomplish the tactical objectives not otherwise completed by the first arriving ladder company
What shall the special hazards do at a structural fire?
Split into teams of two (2)
one (1) team goes to the fire floor, second team to the floor above
At a structure fire the EMS sector will provide?
Triage and initial treatment of patients
rehab and medical monitoring
staging area for add. rescue
What should be located adjacent to the EMS Sector?
Air Supply and Canteen Unit
At what point should sectors be consider to be assigned?
Once first alarm units have deployed
When reporting the status of the incident what shall be used?
Doubtful (incident will be under control within next 10 minutes)
Will hold ( with the current assignment)
under control
Who is responsible to ensure that all members of the company have their portable radios on the assigned fireground channel?
Company Officer
What shall company officer communicate to the incident commander when operating at working structure fire?
their location and tasks being performed
Who shall activate the VRS at a structure fire?
first engine and first ladder
Who shall activate the rescue sector channel?
FAST company
note: do not use first engine or ladder but as close as possible to scene
note: go to channel 4, Engine 9 to fire alarm on channel 4 how do youe read this radio?
note: notify IC
Where does salvage work begin?
floor below the fire or areas adjacent to the fire on the fire floor, generally by ladder company
What should be done if structural problems pose a threat to occupants or persons outside the structure?
Building inspector shall be notified
What is the last step in firefighting activities?
Releasing the premises back to the owner
If the building cannot be secured to its pre-fire condition who shall be notified?
Police Department
Searching for and extinguishing hidden or remaining fires, placing the building, its content, and the fire into a safe condition is know as?
During overhaul it is essential for ensuring ff health and safety that they?
What should be done with holes in floors or stairs?
marked, barricaded or covered with a strong object (Door, Plywood or ladder)
If you encounter any unsafe condition inside the building, what should be done?
notify command
command should announce over the radio for all operating personnel to hear
What is the primary cause of injuries during overhaul?
What should be done with suspected crime at a fire scene
do not disturb until documented by fire investigator or police
as long as it will not result in extension of the fire
Structural members including walls, partitions, columns, floors and roofs are of noncombustible or limited combustible with a fire resistive rating between two (2) and four (4) hours?
Fire resistive - Type I
What are the most likely problems to be encountered with fire resistive (Type I) construction?
Access Problem (forcible entry difficult w/ steel doors)
Concrete floors, walls and roof (retain heat)
Smoke spread (HVAC)
All partitions and structural members are of noncombustible or limited combustible materials. Do not have any degree of fire resistance and may fail after brief exposure?
Non-combustible/ limited combustible - Type II
What can happen to steel at ordinary fire temperatures?
substantial elongation of steel may occur, overall strength reduced.
Steel cables and tendons may fail. Other areas may fail because of deformation.
What should be done with heated steel ?
cooled w/fire streams as quickly as possible
What is common construction material in Type II non-combustible construction?
exposed, unprotected steel bar joist
In roof deck in type II construction often consist of ?
metal sheets laid over the steel bar joist.
note: not gas tight
What are the two (2) reasons that type II construction viewed as extremely hazardous in roof and floor construction?
failure characteristics of unprotected steel
joist spacing
Unprotected lightweight steel bar joist roof construction can begin to fail and collapse after?
five (5) or ten (10) minutes of fire exposure
Bar joist spacing can be ?
sixty (60) feet long and eight (8) foot apart
When is the integrity of the decking lost and ff risk plunging through the ventilation hole?
if the vent cuts are made in the space between the two joists
Buildings in which the exterior bearing walls are masonry, with wood-joisted floors and roof?
Type III - Ordinary
What is the principle limitation with the Type III Ordinary constuction?
max distance that wood joist can span without the need for supports is twenty-five (25) feet
What do Type III ordinary construction risk?
because they are old they risk early collapse
note: because of renovations and large combustible void spaces
What may be present and can fail in a fire at a Type III ordinary construction?
Cast Iron Columns, steel columns
where they connect
How can a steel beam that is present affect a masonry wall?
When heated the steel beam may push exterior walls out
What are a basic sign that a masonry wall is in distress?
Braced walls
At a Type III - ordinary construction what can happen without warning?
Under fire conditions canopies and/or awnings may cause a wall to collapse
What type of construction has exterior bearing walls of masonry with columns and beams of heavy timber?
Type IV - Heavy Timber
Floors and roofs generally made of wood
Heavy Timber are typically how many floors?
four (4) to seven (7) story brick walled buildings, featuring large wooden timbers to support heavy machinery.
How does a structure qualify as heavy timber?
wood column cannot be less than 8” thick in any dimension and wood girder cannot be less than 6” thick
What are some problems with heavy timber construction?
connections between columns, beam, floors and walls . may be weak spot that fails in a fire
What can heavy timber fires produce?
high radiant heat
note: open floor design facilitates rapid fire extension
Exterior walls, bearing walls and partitions, roofs and floors, including their support systems, are wholly or partly made of wood or similar combustible?
Type V - Wood Frame Construction
Is the only one what has combustible exterior walls?
Type V - Wood frame construction
How can fire spread to nearby wood structures be reduced?
providing distances of ten (10) to twenty (20) feet between building
What potential hazard does a Type V - wood frame construction present to firefighters?
presence of void spaces
Wood studs run two or more stories high from the foundation to the eave line?
Balloon frame
Nailed to the studs and is where the floor joist rests?
Ribbon board or ledger board
What can happen if if ribbon/ledger board is pulled when the building has been weaken by fire?
can detach from the studs and cause a localized collapse
How are fires in a balloon frame characterized?
by rapid vertical and horizontal fire spread once fire enters void space.
note: prompt ventilation of roof and rapid deployment of companies to upper floors
Quick method of determining how many units a building has include?
electrical meters
On a platform based how can fire still spread vertically?
pipe chase, duct work, around chimneys, openings for wiring
The period of time in an emergency prior to the arrival of units beyond the first alarm assignment?
Early Stages
- ends once all first alarm units have arrived on scene
That period of time in an emergency incident prior to the arrival of a second unit on the scene?
Initial stages
Commonly encountered in 1/2 story of wood frame structure and peaked roof.
Knee wall
The educated art of examining a situation and making an intelligent decision regarding whether to commit firefighters to life savings and or interior operations?
Survivability profile
Any fire that requires the use of a 1 3/4 or larger fire attack hose line and also requires the use of a SCBA for members entering the IDLH
Working Fire