SOP #35: Firefighter Assist Search Team Operations at Structures Fires Flashcards
What is the purpose of the FAST?
to provide on -scene members designated and dedicated as a rapid intervention team for the rescue of downed firefighters
What will the Providence Fire Dept. FAST Team consist of ?
Prov. Engine Co. and Prov. Ladder Co. Tower Ladders shall not be dispatched as part of a FAST team unless absolutely necessary
What are the six (6) primary situations where a FAST may be needed at an emergency scene?
Lost, trapped or cut off by fire
SCBA Emergency
Medical Emergency
What shall the officer of the FAST immediately begin?
Size up of the scene
- Building construction
- Fire conditions
- Weather conditions
- Access points
- Hazardous conditions and materials
- Obstacles to egress such as window bars
- Location of command post & companies are operating
- Location of EMS Sector
What should the FAST Co. Officer brief the Incident Commander of?
Conditions that were observed during size-up, which may impact fireground decision making
What equipment shall the FAST Co. bring with them to their staging area?
2 Thermal Imaging cameras
2 Scott RIT packs III’s
Pak Tracker, turned on
search rope (400 feet)
2 to 1 High point anchor system
MAST Sling
Hand tools
Hydra Force
Stokes Litter
Folding Ladder
What shall the FAST Co. activate?
Rescue Sector Channel (usually CH. 4) activate VRS
- do not use first engine or ladder
- Radio test should be conducted
Where should the FAST Co. position themselves?
Adjacent to the command post
When deployed the fast shall be designated?
Fast Alpha and assigned to Rescue Sector
What is the mission of the Rescue Sector?
Locate, identify and remove the trapped or missing member
If member can not be removed, use every means to safeguard the member by use of:
- RIT Pack or SCBA
- Hand line
- Positive Pressure ventilation or smoke ejector
- EMS Personnel
- Any other resources needed
What shall happen if FAST Alpha is unable to remove member in distress?
FAST Bravo shall be deployed
When shall the Incident commander consider the use of multiple FAST?
Large Buildings
High rise buildings
commercial complexes w/ multiple buildings involved
residential complexes w/multiple buildings involved
Pose access issues front to back or side to side
What should FAST Officers need to be cognizant of?
Hose lines which are already being used at the fire scene
What is the early stages?
period of time in an emergency prior to arrival of units beyond the first alarm