social change: SOCIAL INFLUENCE Flashcards
A form of SI which a minority of people (sometimes one person) persuades others to adopt their beliefs, attitudes and behaviours
what type of conformity is minority influence most likely to lead to
Internalisation, where peoples behaviors change publicly and privately.
what are the key factors determining success of minority influence
what is Consistency in minority influence
minority influence is most effective if the minority keep the same beliefs.
important as it draws attention from the majority view
What are the 2 types of Consistency and their definitions
1) Synchronic Consistency - Agreement between people in the minority group
2) Diachronic Consistency - Remaining consistent in the view over time
what is Commitment minority influence
If the minority demonstrate commitment to their position, they’re more likely to succeed
typically involves some form of personal sacrifice, which shows the majority that one is not just acting out of self-interest
how is Commitment demonstrated minority influence
Augmentation principle-
The minority taking part in extreme activities which present risk to the individual/small group to show a great commitment to their position. These activities may cause the majority to pay more attention e.g: insulate britain
what is Flexibility minority influence
If the minority do not show flexibility in their position, they may be viewed by the majority as unbending and unreasonable.
so to be effective, the minority must show flexibility and COMPROMISE in order to get their views and beliefs accepted by the majority
The process of change - snowball effect
where the majority begin to convert to the view of the minority. As the RATE of conversion increases, the snowball effect begins to take place, until the minority view becomes the majority view and change has occurred. views and beliefs INTERNALISED
Moscovici (1969) Aim
To research the effects of consistency on the success of minority influence
Moscovici (1969) Procedure
-172 female participants,
-6 people view a set of 36 blue coloured slides, varied in intensity
-p.p had to state aloud weather slides were blue or green
Two of the six participants were confederates and in one condition (consistent) the two confederates said that all 36 slides were green; in the second condition (inconsistent) the confederates said that 24 of the slides were green and 12 were blue.
3 conditions of Moscovici (1969)
-Consistent minority = 2x confederates stated 2/3 of slides were green
-inconsistent minority = 2x Confederates gave inconsistent answers, sometimes disagreeing
-Control = no confederates
Findings Moscovici (1969)
-Consistent minority group agreed with confederates the most
-When minority is inconsistent, the % of naive p.p who changed answer decreased
Conclusion Moscovici (1969)
Consistency increases the success of minority influence
6 stages of social change
1) Drawing ATTENTION (linked to augmentation principle)
3) DEEPER processing
4)augmentation Principle + internalisation (role models)
5) Snowball effect
6) Social-crypto amnesia
social change Drawing attention
The individual or group Draw attention to the issues they are trying to change
social change Consistency
The minority must remain consistent in their thoughts and beliefs to persuade the majority
social change Deeper processing
The activism of groups or individuals means that people now think more deeply about the issues being raised rather than simply accepting the message
social change Augmentation principle
individuals put themselves at risk to further promote the issues they are trying to change.
The personal risk demonstrates their commitment, reinforcing their beliefs and messages
5 social change: Snowball effect
As more and more people begin to back the minority and internalise their views and beliefs, the minority slowly becomes the majority
6 social change: Social Cryptomnesia
People have a memory that changed occoured, but do not remember how this change happened