SM 239: Scleroderma Flashcards
What is the Rodan skin score?
A low tech approach to assess extent of skin duration and fibrosis in SSc
What diffuion suggests Lupus in ANA?
ANA 1:60 using fluorescent antibodies
What PFT suggests sclerosis?
Lower PFT (Low FVC)
What is systemic sclerosis?
A chronic multisysem orphan disease that effects < 200,00 people per year n in the US
Incentivizes pharma companies
What are the two main subsets of Systemic Sclerosis?
Limited cutaneous SSc and Diffuse cutaneous SSc an dthey differ by pattern of skin involvement, organ involvement, rate of disease progression, autoantibody profile and long term survival
Which groups are more effected by SSc?
Women and african americans, who may also develop more aggressive diesease
What correlates with survival in SSc?
Involvement of internal organs, primarily the heart, lungs, kidneys and GI tract
What are the baseline predictors of survival in SSc?
Skin induration on the trunk
Tendon friction rubs at large and small joints
Abnormal EKG
Reduced DLCO
Elevaed ESR and teh presence of autoantibodies against Topoisomerase I and RNA Poly III
What must Systemic Sclerosis be differentiated from?
Scleroderma mimics, such as localized scleroderma, scleredema, and scleromyxedema
How can SSc be differentiated from mimics?
Skin biopsy, clinical presentation, and serologic studies
What causes SSc?
Exposure to unknown environmental factors as well as infection with EBV may play a role, but true etiology remains unknown
Describe the genetics of SSc?
SSc is a non-mendelian disorder with a complex and mutli-genic background, and an array of relevant genes have been found in SNP’s from GWAS
Which gene’s SNP’s may contribute to SSc?
TGF-beta, IL-1, ACE
What is the triad pathophysiology associated with SSc?
Triad of inflammation, vascular damage and fibrosis
What causes vascular damage in SSc?
Vascular injury, possibly due to virus, autoantibodies against endothelial cells, and ROS buildiup early in SSC
What is Microvascular Obliterative Vasculopathy?
A form of diffuse vascular damage that is prominent in most organs
How does Microvascular Obliterative Vasculopathy develop?
Endothelial cells produce Endothelin and decrease prostacycllin release, causing vasoconstriction and ROS buildup
Vascular wall remodeling follows with intimal proliferation and medial hypertrophy, leading to in situ thrombosis
Ultimately blood vessels are obliterated and blood flow ceases
How does ROS form a vicious cycle with microvasculature obliterative vasculopathy?
Tissue hypoxia leads to fibroblast activation as well as ROS buildup, and ROS buildup further increases fibroblast activation
How is microvasculature obliterave vasculopathy differentiated from vasculitis and atherosclerosis?
No inflammation or lipid buildup
How does immunity drive SSc?
Immunity can be seen in the activation of Tcells suggesting an antigen driven response, though the antigen is unknown
What can be found uniformly in SSc patients, and what role do they play in pathogenesis?
Auto-antibodies are uniformly found in SSc patients, but their casual role in pathogenesis is unproven
What do autoantibodies in SSc target specifically?
Autoantibodies are directed against Topoisomerase-1, RNA PolyIII and centromeres - not found in other autoimmune diseases
What are endophenotypes in SSc and how are they identified?
Endophenotypes are particular disease subsets in SSc and are determined by the spectrum of antibodies produced in the disease
What is fibrosis?
Fibrosis is an aberrant tissue repair process where the normal mechanism that limit repair and promote resolution fail, leading to uncontrolled tissue remodeling