SM 235: Crystalline Diseases Flashcards
What characterizes Crystalline Arthropathies?
Inflammation in a joint + crystals in Synovial fluid
What will Synovial fluid analysis report in a crystal arthropathy?
Inflammatory fluid = slightly turbid + 2,000 - 50,000 WBC’s + 20-70% PMN’s; less than Septic
Can a person have gout and septic arthritis at the same time, and how does this influence treatment?
Yes, any time you order Synovial fluid, grow cultures as well to test for pathogens in addition to possible gout-inflammation
What are the 3 types of joint crystals?
Basic Calcium Phosphate (BCP), Calcium Pyrophosphate Dihydrate (CPPD), and Monosodium Urate (Gout)
What are BCP crystals also known as?
BCP = Basic Calcium Phosphate = Calcium Hydroxyapatite (found normally in bone)
Where do BCP crystals tend to deposit and what diseases do these deposits correlate with?
Soft Tissues = Acute Calcific Periarthritis
Joints = BCP Arthropathy
Tendons = Calcific Tendonitis
What is Acute Calcific Periarthritis, what type of crystal does it involve, and give an example?
BCP Crystal deposits in soft tissue, such as pseudo-podagra of the 1st MTP in women = intense local inflammation
What is BCP Arthropathy, what type of crystal does it involve, and give an example?
BCP Crystal deposits in joints, such as Milwaukee Shoulder Syndrome = large/inflammed shoulder joint
What is Calcific Tendonitis, what type of crystal does it involve, and give an example?
BCP Crystal deposits, such as in the supraspinatus tendon of the shoulder leading to Bursitis
What do BCP crystals look like on microscopy?
Shiny coins on ordinary light microscopy No bifringent on polarized light microscopy Stains on Alizarin Red
What type of crystal stains on Alizarin Red?
BCP crystals
What type of crystal does not show bifringence on polarized light micrsocopy?
BCP Crystals
What type of crystal appears like shiny coins on ordinary light micrsocopy?
BCP crystals
What is unique about Synovial fluid analysis in BCP crystal mediated arthritis?
Unlike Gout and Pseudogout, the Synovial fluid is non-inflammatory (like OA)
How should BCP arthropathy be treated?
Symptomatic only: NSAIDS, PT, steroids
What type of crystal causes Pseudogout?
CPPD = calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate
What are the major risk factors for CPPD arthritis?
Affects elderly women with a predilection for joints previously affected by Osteoarthritis
Which type of crystal is more likely to form in a joint previously effected by OA?
CPPD crystals have a tendency to form in joints effected by OA
What could cause CPPD crystals in a younger person?
Normally only seen in older people, metabolic disturbances hike Hyper and Hypoparathyroidism, Hypomagneisa, and Hypothyroiodism
How does a patient with CPPD crystals present?
Pseudogout presents as acute monoarthritis in the knees or wrist OR RA mimic as symmetric in small joints OR Progressive Osteoarthritis of large, small joints OR Asymptomatic chondrocalcinosis
Does Chondrocalcinosis = CPPD?
No; 30% of the population has Chondrocalcinosis on Xrays by 90 y/o
Where does Chondrocalcinosis tend to occur and what does it look like on Xray?
Tends to occur in knee joint and wrist, and apepars as white deposits in the joint space
What do CPPD crystals look like under microscopy?
Appear pleomorphic and weakly birefringent on polarized light microscopy
How do the shapes of CPPD and Gout crystals compare?
CPPD is rhomboid shaped whereas Gout is needle shaped