Sleep Apnoea and narcolepsy Flashcards
What is obstutive sleep apnosea syndomre symptoms
recurtent episodes of upper airway obstuctojn, usually ssocaed with heatly sonoir, often unrefreshing, poor daytime concentration, walking with a transied chocking sensation, lethargy or tireness, headache on walking, nocturanla polyuria, reduced libido
what is the level at which sleep anoa occurs in the throat
at the back of tough
what factors contibute to speep apnea
obistity, musle realaxion ,narrow pharynx
what is th differnece in sleep apnea and hypoapnea
hypoapea, decrease in o2 stats
When cn sleep apnea be dangerous
when it affects drivign
what other conditons are socised iwth sleep apnoea
strokes, increaed hyperenti, incraesd risk of stroke, incrased risk of heart disease
what is the ways to test sleep apenoa
pulsse oximiary, limited sleep studys, full polysomnography
what isthe epwroth sellpintes scale
0 - would never slep
1- slight chance of sleep
2 - moderate
3 high
what is seen in oximatry for sleep apnea over nigh
large fluxiain in spo2 overnight
what does a multichannel sleep study do
measures the nasla flow rate and abdomial movement
what does a polysomnogroaphty do
measures the oroanl airfow, thoracobdomianl movement, oximry, body position, eeg., ecg
what is the ahi
the no. of apena and hpro apen that happen within one hourwha
what is normal , mild , moderat and sever ahi
nomral - 0-5
mild 5-15
moderate 15-30
severe greater than 30
what is the treatment for apena
identiyfa exeraction facotrs such as wig and alcohol and treating any hypothordis,
cpap - contius positive airway pressure
manibular repsoining spling
positional therapy devises
what is narcolepsy
where cataplexy is pressent, day toime somnolane and hpyaagongi hallucinations and sleep paralysis
what is the investigon forsleep narcosa
polysomograpty, mlst(epithworth day time sleepiness test)
csf oreixigion (neutorphil involved in slep cycyles)
what is the drug treatmnet for sleep apnea
modafinil, dexamphetamine, venlafaxine, sodium oxybatee
chronic ventilatory faliure signs
elaved pc02, low p02 , nomral blodo ph, elavated bicaornate
what diseaes can cuase conviv ventiaory failure
copd, bronchiecatis,
chest wall abnormalities e..g kyphoscolioiss,
respiratory muscle weakness, motor neuron disease, muscular dystrophy, glycogen storage disease,
central hypoventilation, obesity, hypodensity syndrome, , and congenital central hypoventilation syndrome.
what are tuypical synmptons of ventilatonry failure
breathlessne , orthopneoa ( weak diapman when lying flat) , ankle swelling moring headache, recurrent chest infection, disturbed sleep, paradox al abdominal wall motion
paradoxial wall motion
when chest is drawn outward during insprationand and inward during inspiration
what investigioan can be done for ventialory failrue
lung fuctio - lying and standing vital capacing
mouth pressure
assessment of hypoventilation - early moring abg , overnight oximetry, trancuatoin co2 monitoring
flureoscopic screein of diaphromas
are these conditons obstucive or resticive
treatmenf for ventilary fialues
wieght loss, non invasive venitlation, oxyeen therapy if non hypoxic drive
tracehostomy ventilation
what are the non invasive venitaion in neruomucald diease
supportive treamt, primar for symptons, pateins my be depended, may be withdraw at the end of life
what is the survial for duchenne musclar dystrophy
around 20-40 years