lung cancer clinical features and staging Flashcards
what percent of lung cancer patients are smoker
what geneder is smoking more common in
what age is the highest proportion of cancers in
elderly - 80s and 98 yeaar olds
is m ortaily increasing or decreasing in lung cancers
what risk factors other than smoking contribute to cancer
asbestos, radon, air pollution and desil exahust
what are the 10 clincail feautrs of lung cancer
chronic cough, coughting up blood, wheezing sound, chest and bone pain, chest infections, difficulty swallowing, raspy hoarse voice, shortness of breath, unexplained weight loss, nail clubbing
what are the symptons of metasticic cancer speead
bone pain, spinal courd compression (limb weakness, paraestheis, bladder and bowl dysfunction), cerebak metatis ( headaches, vomiting, dizziness, ataxia, focal weakness. thrombosis `
what are the signs of paraneoplisic
hyponatraemia, anaemia, hypercalcaemia, dermamyosistis, eaton - larbert syndrome, cerebellar ataxia, sensorimotor neuropathy
eaton lambert syndrom
immune system attacks the nervous system
inflamation of musle tissues
what are the clincial signs of lung cancer
chest sings, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, horners syndrome, pancosat tumor, superior vena cava obstruction, hepatomegaly, skin nodules.
what is the initial investigations for lung cancer
cxr, fbc, renal and liver fucntions, clotting screen, spirometry
what is ebus
guiding a needle thorugh mri to drain a lymph node in broncial medal stienum
what tissue metastiac diagnois can be done
broncospcpy, ebus, image guided lung biopsy, image gudined liver biosby, fna of neck node or skin metastatis, excision of central mettstti, bone biopsy, mediastinoscpy/otomy
what type of scanners are sed for liver biopys
either ct or mri
what is the most common type of lung cancer
adenocarcinoma (40%
what is the top 3 type of lung cancer
adenocaring (40%), suamous cell carinoma ( 30%), small cell carcinoma ( 15%), large cell carcineom (10%)
where is adenocarcinoma found
in glands i.e. epitheilu tissue
what is the stadging of primary tumors
eith t for primary tumor or m for metastasis tumor
what does tx mean
tumor cannon be asses
what is to
no evidnce of tumor
what percent of patients with stadge 1 live more than 1 year
what percent of patines with tadge 2 live more than 1 year
what percen tof patine with stadge 3 lie more than 1 year
hat percecnt of patients with stadge four live more than 1 year
what does a pet scan involve
use of sugar contrast for stadging
what is a 0 - 4 on performance status
0 - fully active, 1 - sympotons but arberty , 2 - up and about more than 50 per cent of the time , 3 - bed bound more than 50% of the time, 4 - fully bedbound
what percent of patiens guts surgery for lung cancer
up to 18%
whta is the surgicall options for lung cancer
wedge resectoins, lobectomy, pneumonectormy,
what is the radiotherly optons
radical, pallitive, sterectoatic
what is the chemotherapy options fo lung cancer
pallative, combined with radiothery, tartved e.g. tyrosine kinase inhibtors or monoclonal antibionds
what are example tyroosine kinaes inhibor or monochronl antibiodes
erlotinib, gefinib, crizotinib
what chemothroy agenst works on all lung cancers
what is the alternative chemopther agent for small cell cancers
what is the alternative chemothery agent for adenocarcinoma
what is the alternative chemtheropy treament for squamous cancers
what are possiblities for patlive care mamage
opiates, benzodiasipas , biphosphonates (osteoperosis)
treating synnptons
radiothery for pain an dhaemoptysis