Diagnosis and stadging of lung cancer Flashcards
what is a pulmonary noduel
a opacity in the lung up to 3cm with no medialstinal adenopathy or atlectasis
what is a pulmonary mass
a opacity in the lung over 3cm with no mediastial adenopathy or atelectasis
what is a atelectasis
partial collapse of the lung
disorganzied tissue in the lung
what is t lung stadging
how big it is and how farti it as sprea
what is n ludge stading
where the cell has spread to lymph nodes
what is m lung stadging
wheter the tumor has spread anywher else in the body i.e. metastes
what can detect t lung stading
ct, pet, bronchosopcy
what scanners can detect n lung staging
pet-ct, mediatinoscopy, ct, ebus/eus
what scanners can detect m lung staging
pet - ct, ct, bone scans
what is fdg
Fluorodeoxyglucose, used to show the uptake of glucose in the body
what is the metasat of nodes greater than 4 cm
what is a mediastinoscopy
look at mediastul through a camera passed tough sholder area, sample the nodes as well
look at anteria mediastinal dneoes
tumor cannot be assesed
no evidence of priary tumor
carcinoma in situ
t1 size, t1a, b, c
t1 - less than 3cm
t1a - less than 1cm
t1b - 1 -2 cm
t1c - 2-3 cm
where is teh location of t1
in the tissue in the lungs, no attached to choncus
what is the invasion of t1 and t2
what is the size of t2 an t2a, b
t2 - 3-5cm
t2a - 3-4 cm
t2b -4-5 cm
where are t2 tumors found
main bronchous,
what can t2 tumors cause
atelectatsis or obsutive pnumatiis
what local invasion can the t2 extended
viceral plura
what size is t3
5-7 cm
where can t3 invade locally
chest wall, phrenic nerve, parental plura an dparential pericardium
what seperte tumor modes can t3 be found in in
same lobe as primary tumor
what size is t4
greater than 7cm
where can t4 be found
carina or treaceha
what is the local invasion of t4
diaphram, ediastium , heart, greatervessles, learygeal nerve, esophagus, vertebarel
where can seperate tumor moduels be found
ispilateral lobes
what is no
no lymph lobes spread to
what is n1
ipsilateral peribroncail, hilary or intrapulmnary nnodes
ispilateral mediastium, subcrainal
contralateral mediastinal , contralateral hilar, scalene, supracalvialuar
what is m0
no metastais
m1, m1a,b,c
distant meatiasion
m1a - seperate modules in conralalerla lobe, tumor with pleura or pericardial noduesl or maolicared plure or pericareid effusion
m1b - single distant metastasis,
m1c - multiple distant metastates
what is in 1a and 1b stages
1A t1, no, mo
1B - t2 no,mo
what is in IIa and b stages
IIa - t1, n1, mo
IIB - t2,n1, mo or t3 n2 mo
what is IIIa and IIIb and IIIC
IIIA - t1/T2 and N2
IIIB - T3/T4 and N2 or t1/t2 N3
IIIC - T3/t4 and N3
what is 4A or 4B
4A - any t any n , m1a or M1b
4B - any t, any n, m1c