Lower respiritory infections in adults Flashcards
what are signs of acute bronchtiis
cough and sputum
when should you see your gp with acute broncits
more than 3 weeks of symptons, high temp, cough up mucous with blood, heart condition or asthma, repeated bronchitis
what are antibiotics sfor copd exacertabionts and broncitiss
amoxicllin, doxycycline, co trimoxazole, carithromycin
what bacteria can cause copd exacerbations bronchitis
streptococcus pneonia, haemophilus influenza, moxaxella catarrhalis
what are signs of bronchtis with copd
change in colour of sputum, fevers, increased breathlessness, wheeze cough
inflamtatoin of the lung parenchyma
what is the risk factors for pnemonia
smoking, alchol, extermes of age, preceding viral illness, chronic illness, immunocompromised, hospitalisation, ivdu
what are the symptons of pnemonia
fever, righors, myalgia
a dry , cough and sputum
chest pain
what ar teh signs of pneumonia
tachypnoea, tachey carida, ruedced exspantion, dull percusionk, bronchial breathing, crepitations, vocal resonance
what investigations can be done for community pneumonia
what investigations can be done for hospital acquired pneumonia
bloods, - serum bicomistry full blood count, crp
blood cultures
sputm cultreues
legionella urinary antigen
what are the differential diagnois for pnemonia
lung cancer
pulmonary embolism
pulmonary odeoma
pulmonary vasculitis
what bacteria maily cause pneomia
strep pneumoniae (40%)
mycroplasma pneumiea (10.8)
h. influenza (5.2%)
what are typical community aquied pneumoina infections
streptococcus pneumoniae, haemophilius influenzae, mycoplasma pneumoniae
what are the main atypical acuirued pneumoina infections
legionella pneumophilia ( fresh water)
chlamydia pneumoniae ( cad)
chlamydia psittaci ( birds)
coxiella burnetti ( farm animals)
moxella catarrhalis ( copd)
main viruse which cuase pneumina
influesa , rsv, sars , varicella
what are normal hospial strains of pneumoina
enterobacteria, staphylococcus aureus, pseudomonas aerigunosa, klebisella pneumiae
what bacteria can cuase a cavigagtion
staphycocusus auresus, klebsiella pneumoiase, tb
what is the curb 65 scoring
c - confusion
b - blood urea greater than 7mmol/l
r - respiratory rate greater than 30 breaths per min
b systoic blood pressure less than 90mmgy and diastolic blood pressure less than 60 mmhg
65 - age 65 or over
what is the normal treatment for curb 0- 1 and for peniclliin alergy
peniclin allergy - clarithromycin or doxycyclinne
duration 5 days
what is the normal treament for curb 2 o pencilinn allergy
amoxicllin _ clarithomycin
allergy - levofloxacin
duration 5-7 days
what is the normal treatment for curb 3-5 or for penicillin allergy
co- amoxicav, clarithromycin
allergy - levofloaxcin or co-trimoxazole
duration - 7 -10 days
What are the likely bacteria if influenza was pressent
what conditions may lead to aspirating pneumoinai
strokes, ms, myasteheisa, oesophageal disea
what is teh treatment for aspirating pneumoina
amoxicillin and metronidazole
what are immuno comporidsed infection microbes
haemotoloigcia malignacy, neutropenic, hiv
fungi - aspergilliums, fumgatus, candida
viruses, cmv, hsv, vzv
pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, co - trimoxazole
wha treamten used be used for pneumocystis jiroveci pneumoniae
co - trimoxazole
what are common complications of pneumina
sepis, acute kideny injury, adult respiratory distress syndrome, parapnneumonic effusion
lung absess
disseminated infection
what are the differneece between simle and complicated
ph, simple greater than 7.2 compilicated less than 7.2
how to detect a parapnemoin effusion or empyema
ultrasound and cxr
what causes a lung abses
stath auresu, pseudomonas,
what is the symptons of a lung absess
sputum which is plurent , haemoptysis
pneumia which does not get better, malaise an wehigh loss
how to dected lung abses
bronchosocpy and ct
rasied infmlartyr makres
how long is the recovary for pneumonia
what is bronchiecasis
dilation of the broncchi, leading to increased mucous production and airway thickening
what is the causes of bronchiectasis
idopathic, childhod infection, cf, ciliary dyskinesia, hypogammaglobulineaemia, allergic bronchopulmnary aspergillosis
what are the symptons of bronchiectasis
chronci productive cough, breathlessnesss, recurrunt lrti, haemophyiss fingerclubbing, crepitatins, wheeze, obsstrucive spirometry,sputum
what are the signs of bronchitis
hr ct scant - ram tak airawys
chest xray
pumtum examinaion
immuen assesmetn
sweat test and cf gnee assesment
nasal no - this is reduced
what are the general treatemt for bronchiectatis
chest physio
prolonged antibitic course
what is the general treatemt for pymia
when should the chest x ray be repeadted for pneumonia and for who - after 6 weeks for those over 65
after 6 weeks for those over 65
what type of cell is seen in bronchiecatiss
what bacteria gives a orange phlem
staphylloccucus aureus, klebissella pneumoinae and tb
what bacteria gives a orange colour phlem
psedomonas aerigunosa