developmental aspects of lung disease Flashcards
What age is the emboyic stage
3-8 weeks
what age is the pseudoglanddular stage
5-17 weeks
what age is the canalicular stage
16-26 weeks
what age si the saccular stage
24-38 weeks
what age is the alveoar stag
36 weeks to two years
what happne during hte mpbiyic lung devlomtn
bconhi and bronchale start to form from endoderm
what happens during pseudoglandular phase
terminal bronchilse form and pumlmary artye and veins.
what happens during hte caninicular phae
respiary bocniloles fomr
what happens durign the saccular phase
aveolarl ducts form
what happnes during hte alveolar phase
alvolear sacs from
when does surfae production start
about week 25
what is larynogomalics
softening of layrng, whcih cuases striod in infants and is worse when they are upset, this inpoves after first year
what condidotins shoudl laryngomalacia be treated
if affects feedig, growht or cuases other apnoeas
what cuases tracheomalacia
may be caused by external compression e.g. vessles and tumors
what is the pesentaioj of tracheomalacia
barking cough, recurrent coup, breathlessness on exertion, stridor
what is a tracheooesphageal fistualr
where theree is a connect betwen the traceh and osophageus
what causes a treachoosphagela fisular
what are teh symptons of a tracheoosphogel fistula
chocking, colour chaigne, cough when feeding, unable to pass ng tube
congential pulmoary airway malformation
abnomary tisue on the lung where the airway do not develop properly
congentla diaphramatic hernia
diaphm does not close propery and tissues enter the lung
what sizde is a congential dipahrmic hernia normally on
left side
transiver tachypnoea
delay in teh clearance of fetal lung fluid after birth
what is respiary distress dyndomre
insufficant surfacntatn
what is bronchopulmonary dysplasia
lungs/ airways damged after birth cuasing tissue desruction
what effect can chronic inflmation have on a child
incfrased bronchla responsivness increased mucous section, arw narowk, airway oedma
what factos contiube to a lwoer lugn growth
genetics, preterm brith, early life enviroment exspoures, lrti, childhood persiant astma