g[ Flashcards
body overseaing teaching
core valves from acadomy of medical eduator and profatiol statds
desing and planningof learing activies
teachning and facilitating learning
assessment of learning
educational schlarpish and evidence based practise
educational management and leadership
adult learing
child rlean
what are the main priviel of aldoges from 1984 knoles
invilemtent of learns
have expericed
teach subjects that is realvedt to them and impacts them
it is problem centred raterh than conetnet orientated
what is included in does
pregoreace in practise
what is included in hsows
demoseation, ocse, simation
what is inclued in knows how
case based preseation, essay
what is inclued in fast recall,
mcq acessemtns
what are teh thories of learning
behaviouralist, and social
what is incued in heavaiourist learing
cognitivs and reflective
what is inced in social learning
constvtivist, humanist, connectivisim
benfitis of feedback
builds confidene, provies evice of hat and why dstud have done well, , builds conied, sinpoist on haow to impve
pendletons rule on feedback
ask the learner what went well, tell the learner wheat went well, ask the learner what could be improved, tell the learnar what could be improved
set go fedback model
what I Saw
What Else did you see
What did you Think
What Goal would we like to achice
Any Offers on how to get there
oppertiutn to teach
name of gp it systmes
vision and emis
what si done on it ssyes
condusitoan notes
supprot perscibing - but don’t peribe
electonal amagemetn of hospital coresspondace
election magemet of test result
chonc disea magemet and reacl e.g. asltha
paietn leaflets/ resonr
identified patiesn fro screening progm .eg. cervial screeing
what system suse coropsance
what sytem wis fro writein elftter or letter of adve
sci gateway
percent of doctors in primary care
what prcet of wroker in ooh
what is kis
key informatio sumary 0
- allergies
curretn treamt
peits wishes
next of kin detaion
resus / end of life plans
challeange to oohs
no gp recoreed
no preexistion knowled
paiens often acutely unnwll
may be asess at unlat time
staffing issues
unfimalu location or eqipemt
calagory cambign mdoe
indiation, gather mioraiton, physcial exam, emxpain and planin
nehigbnous consuaiton model
summarise - of what paiten had said
hand over patient
house keeping of own mental wellinging
likelyhood of something occuring
not being able to be relied on for defion
indivilatised care
looking after a paitent as an inviualr
what is the combation of full exaptiona dn systematic enquire that fits a paiten
hypothetioc deducgive rasonsing
what are local guidlens
nhs g intranet
how to mange uncerlty
skill , and prviosu expeice with it
look at guidnelins