skin/lesions Flashcards
what are the 2 layers of skin
epidermis, dermis, there is a third layer called hypodermis, however it isn’t part of the actual skin
dead/mostly dead, divided into 4 strata
1) status corneum
2) stratum lucidum
3) stradum granulosa
where hair is rooted
feeds epidermis
contains all components of the skin
holds skin to body
what is the largest organ of the body and how much does it weigh
6 pounds
what does skin do
provides protection, regulation, sensation, secretion
provides sensation, protection and filters foreign particles
sebaceous gland
secretes sebum, lubricates hair and skin, protects absorption of harmful chemicals, protects from dehydration
sweat glands (sudoriferous)
secretes sweat
rids body of waste
cools body by evaporating
composed of hard karatin
protects ends of fingers and toes
break down of lesions
primary or secondary
flat or raised
solid or fluid filled
primary lesion
at or above skin level
1)macule-small and coloured- ex-freckle
1) papule-small-ex-wart
2) nodule-bigger than a papule ex- Nevis aka birthmark
3) tumour- bigger than a nodule ex- lipoma aka fat tumour
4) wheal- varies in shape, colour and size. biggest difference here is it swells. ex- hives, mosquito bite
fluid filled
1) vesicle- small ex- chickenpox
2) pustule- small ex- pus-filled acne
3) bulla- larger ex- second degree burn
secondary lesion
below skin level
1) excoriation-into the epidermis (scratch)
2) fissure- into the dermis (cracked dry skin)
3) ulcer- deep into the dermis (bedsore)
also known as a bruise - collection of blood under the skin due to leakage from blood vessels
Flat, purplish-red, pinpoint spots on the skin caused by bleeding within the skin