Endocrine System Flashcards
Endocrine system
Comprised of a system of ductless glands.
Produces specific effects on body functions by slow discharge of hormones directly into the bloodstream.
Pituitary Gland
Known as the master gland. Regulates many body functions. Stimulates other glands to secrete their own specific hormones. Size of pea. Located at base of brain.
Hormones of the posterior pituitary gland
ADH (Anti-diuretic hormone):
Hormones of the anterior pituitary gland
ACTH (Adenocorticotropic hormone):
ACTH (Adenocorticotropic hormone):
FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone:
GH (Growth hormone) or Somatotropin:
LH (Luteinizing hormone):
TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone):
MSH (Melanocyte-stimulating hormone):
(Anti-diuretic hormone)
ADH (Anti-diuretic hormone):
Targets kidneys.
Increases water reabsorption in the body
Love hormone
stimulate uterine contractions; initiates labour and promotes milk secretion
Targets uterus and mammary glands
ACTH (Adenocorticotropic hormone):
Targets adrenal cortex.
Triggers the adrenal cortex to release its hormones
(Follicle-stimulating hormone:
Women: stimulates egg production and increases estrogen
Men: stimulates sperm production
Targets ovary, testes
GH or Somatotropin:
(Growth hormone) Stimulates growth in the body
Targets muscle, liver, bone and cartilage
(Luteinizing hormone):Female: Promotes ovulation, increases estrogen and progesterone
Male: promotes secretion of testosterone
Targets ovaries, and testes
Promotes lactation
Targets mammary glands
(Thyroid-stimulating hormone):stimulates thyroid gland
targets thyroid gland
(Melanocyte-stimulating hormone):Stimulates melanocytes to give skin pigmentation
Targets melanocytes
pineal gland
Shaped like a pine-cone.
Located on the posterior portion of the brain.
Not a well studied gland.
Hormones of the pineal gland
Well-being hormone
Precursor to melatonin
Targets practically entire body
Regulates sleep and wake
Increases in the evening
Targets practically entire body
Thyroid Gland
Largest gland of the endocrine system.
H-shaped structure in the neck below the larynx.
Thyroid hormone affects every cell in the body except the adult brain, spleen, testes, uterus and thyroid gland itself.
Hormones of the Thyroid Gland
TH (Thyroid hormone)
T4 (Thyroxin):
T3 (Triiodothyronine):
(Thyroid hormone)
Composed of 2 active iodine-containing hormones, thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).
Increases rate of oxygen consumption, which increases rate of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.
Influences GH.
Plays role in maintaining BP.
T4 (Thyroxin):
Both hormones are responsible for regulating all aspects of metabolism
Regulate GH, BP, etc
Targets almost every cell of the body
T3 (Triiodothyronine):
Both hormones are responsible for regulating all aspects of metabolism
Regulate GH, BP, etc
Targets almost every cell of the body
Released to decrease calcium levels in the blood
Works with PTH to maintain homeostasis
Target: blood
Parathyroid Gland
Consists of 4 separate glands on posterior surface of the thyroid gland.
Hormones of the Parathyroid Gland
PTH (Parathyroid hormone):