Chiropractic/Spinal Flashcards
vertebral body
Body of a vertebra, or the large round bony part of the vertebra anterior to the spinal cord.
vertebral foramen
The opening in each vertebrae through which the spinal cord passes.
spinous process
The long rearward projection from the arch of a vertebra that provides a point of attachment for muscles and ligaments.
transverse process
A process projecting outward from each side of a vertebra that provides a point of attachment for muscles and ligaments.
articular facet (facet joint)
A joint between the superior articular process of one vertebra and the inferior articular process of the vertebra directly above it.
The segment between the transverse process and the vertebral body of each vertebra.
neural foramen
The lateral opening between each vertebrae through which spinal nerves pass through.
spinal cord
The portion of the central nervous system that communicates between the brain and the body.
spinal nerves
The 31 left-right pairs of nerves that are mixed nerves, which pass through the neural foramina to and from the spinal cord. Mixed nerves are nerves that send messages and commands to the body, as well as receive information from the body to send to the brain.
intervertebral disc
Each disc is located between each vertebra and forms a cartilaginous joint to allow slight movement of the vertebrae, and act as a ligament to hold the vertebrae together.
The science of finding areas of spinal malfunction;
The art of correcting them;
The philosophy of all things natural as we have been created.
System of natural Dx and Tx.
Based on the concept that the nervous system coordinates all of the body’s functions, and that disease results when a misaligned vertebrae interferes with the proper nerve functions.
Main purpose of the chiropractor is to reduce interference to your inborn, innate healing ability.
spinal vertebrae
protective housing where CNS sits.
how many pairs of spinal nerves
what does an adjustment do
An adjustment describes the many ways and techniques of directed and controlled pressure to restore spinal segments to a more normal position and range of motion.
Used to correct subluxations
An adjustment aids in increased flexibility, increased immunological function and increased life energy.
The Chiropractic adjustment is truly an artistic expression.
how many verebrae in spinal column
Total of 33 vertebrae in the spinal column: 24 articulating and 9 fused
cervical spine
7 vertebrae.
C1 = Atlas.
C2 = Axis.
Atlas (C1)
Ring-shaped bone.
Supports the skull.
Allows up and down (“yes”) movement of the head.
Axis (C2)
Looks like a dull tooth. Has a Dens which inserts into the groove of C1. Allows lateral (“no”) movement of the head.
Thoracic Spine
12 vertebrae.
Articulate with each of 12 pairs of ribs.
Lumbar Spine
5 vertebrae.
Bear most of the weight of the body.
5 fused vertebrae.
Form part of the pelvis.
3-5 vertebrae.
Aka: Tailbone.