SES - Statistical Tests of Differences Flashcards
What are interpreting results based on? Example?
Probability e.g. odds of winning a race.
What are interpreting results used for?
To interpret facts e.g. result of race.
Discussions form experiments can be what? Example? What must they be based on?
Black/white/shades of grey e.g. coaches discussion of the result, but must be based on evidence.
In relation to variables and stats tests of differences, there can be more than 1 what?
Independent variable.
What is a hypothesis?
A precise statement about the outcome of an experiment, based on the theory.
What 2 hypotheses does every theory have?
- ) Alternate hypothesis.
2. ) Null hypothesis.
Alternate hypothesis.
Null hypothesis.
Alternate hypothesis? Null hypothesis?
Positive and according to theory.
Negative and contradicts the theory.
Experimental study?
A scientist actively manipulates/interferes - Manipulates an independent variable and measures the responses of the dependent variable.
Research process?
- ) Research question.
2. ) Hypotheses.
Statistical inference?
Process of drawing conclusions about the population based upon the sample data.
The larger the difference in results/standard deviation…
The more confident we are that they come from different populations.
P-value? What is it known as?
Describes the extent to which the observations were due to chance and systematic effects.
Known as the probability statistic.
When p = 0.10, chance %? systematic effects %?
10% chance of error.
90% systematic effects.
Critical p-value for significance and accepting the alternate hypothesis? Chance of error and systematic effect %?
Typically 0.05 in science.
5% chance of error.
95% due to systematic effect.
HO true and HO accepted?
Null hypothesis is accepted.