Sensory Processing and Perception (5/12) Flashcards
When a real, physical object’s information is detected by out body (objective)
Our brain’s personal experience of sensory information (subjective)
Sensory receptors
Specialized dendrites of sensory neurons that respond to various kinds of physical stimuli. They generate action potentials that are sent to the central nervous system and are bundled together into ganglia
Sensory receptors do 4 types of communication
Olfactory receptors
Sense of smell and respond to chemical stimuli - air
Gustatory receptors
Sense of tase and respond to chemical stimuli - saliva
responsible for vision and responds to specific wavelengths of light
Hair cells
responsible for hearing and convert pressure signals from sound waves into action potentials
respond to mechanical stimuli
Tactile corpuscles
detect light touch
Merkel nerve endings
respond to sustained pressure
Ruffini endings
sense deep pressure beneath the surface of the skin
Pacinian corpuscles
respond to high-frequency vibrations
detect variation in temperature
detect pain, mechanical stimuli, thermal, or chemical
detect pressure inside the body like walls of blood vessels
tigger responses when blood becomes too dilute or too concentrated
Found in muscle, tendons and joints
kinesthetic sense
Absolute threshold
The level of intensity that a stimulus must have in order to be picked up by sensory neurons
Threshold of conscious perceptions
the threshold that a stimulus must cross in order to consciously perceive it
Just-noticeable difference
The smallest change in magnitude of a stimulus that we can perceive as being different - difference threshold
Weber’s law
for any given sensory input, the JND will be a constant proportion on the original input
-does not work for extremes
Signal detection theory
Detecting something that is actually present= Hit
Not detecting something that is actually present= Miss
Detecting something that is not actually present= False Alarm
Not detecting something that is not actually present= Correct Rejection
ability to perceive a third spatial dimension
Gestalt principles of grouping: Principle of proximity
we perceive objects or shapes that are close to each other as forming groups
Gestalt principles of grouping: Principle of similarity
Objects that are similar in some way will be perceived as belonging to a group
Gestalt principles of grouping: Principle of good continuation
If multiple objects intersect or overlap, we tend to perceive them as relatively few uninterrupted objects
Gestalt principles of grouping
do not apply in isolation
context plays an important role
Gestalt principles of grouping: principle of closure
we infer the presence of complete shapes even when they are incomplete
Gestalt principles of grouping: principle of symmetry
symmetrical objects are more likely to be perceived as part of a whole than asymmetrical objects