review lecture Flashcards
which nerve is at risk during anterior shoulder dislocation
broken humerus nerve at risk
radial nerve sign
wrist drop (unopposed flexion)
lateral 3.5 digits sensory
why is elbow extension preserved in radial nerve damage
suprachondylar fracture nerve at risk
median nerve
median nerve presentation
hand of benediction when you try and clench your wrist
ulnar sign
ulnar claw at rest
which nerve is at risk to median epicondyle
ulnar paradox
more you damage it, the less obvious the signs are
what is students elbow
olecranon bursitis
red hot swollen joint is
septic arthritis until proven otherwise
need culture samples from joint fluid
anterior line on femur
intertrochanteric line
posterior line on femur
intertrochanteric crest
acetabulum joint capsule origins and attachments
fractured NOF presentation
shortened abducted and externally rotated
anterior muscles pull distal fragment superiorly
hip abductors that attach to greater trochanter will adbuct
Lateral rotators (piriformis, obturator interns etc..) contract
different types of hip fracture
left = intracapsular
right = extracapsular
wobbly Shenton’s line
different types of hip fracture
left = intracapsular
right = extracapsular
wobbly Shenton’s line
73 y/o M back pain with prostate cancer differentials