MSK Session 2 Flashcards
Hip flexion
Iliopsoas (iliacus and psoas major), assisted by rectus femoris, sartorius, pectineus
Hip extension
Glut max, hamstrings (semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris long head)
Hip abduction
Glut med and min, assisted by sartorius and tensor fascia lata
Hip adduction
Adductor longus, brevis and magnus
Asssisted by pectineus, gracillis, obturator externus
Hip lateral rotation
Obturator externus, piriformis, obturator internus, gemellus superior, gemellus inferior, quadratus femoris
Assisted by gluteus maximus and sartorius
Hip medial rotation
Anterior fibres of glut med and min, tensor fascia lata
Assisted by adductor brevis, longus and superior portion of adductor magnus, pectineus
The degree to which flexion can occur at the hip depends on
Whether the knee is also flexed- this relaxes the hamstring muscles
Extension at the hip joint is limited by the
Joint capsule and iliofemoral ligament
L1, innervated skin of genitalia and upper medial thigh
L1,L2 femoral branch innervates skin of upper anterior thigh
Lateral femoral cutaneous
L2, L3 cutaneous sensation to anterolateral thigh to knee
L2,L3,L4 innervates skin of medial thigh and muscles of medial compartment
L2, L3, L4 innervates skin of anterior thigh and muscles of anterior compartment, skin of medial, leg
Superior gluteal
L4, L5, S1 innervates glut med and min and tensor fascia lata
Inferior gluteal
L5 S1 S2, glut max
L4, L5, S1, S2, S3 tibial and common fibular nerve (hamstring muscles, short head of biceps femoris)
Posterior femoral
S1 S2 S3 innervates skin of posterior thigh and leg
S2 S3 S4