the testes in males and the ovaries in females produce __ or reproductive cells
the formation of gametes in males and females occurs by a type of cell division called
before meiosis begins, all the chromosome in these cells are duplicated, creating identical copies of each chromosome, called __
during meiosis, one cell divides twice to produce _ daughter cells
during the first division of meiosis, the number of chromosomes in each cell is reduced from 46 to
23 total chromosomes
the two divisions of meiosis are called
meiosis 1 and 2
the male reproductive system consists of
series of ducts including the epididymides
ducta deferentia
accessory glands (seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands, and supporting structures which are the penis and scrotum)
this supporting structure is a saclike structure containing the testes ; it is divided into right and left internal compartments by an incomplete connective tissue septum
the wall of the scrotum includes the skin, a layer of loose connective tissue, and a layer of smooth muscle called the __ which contracts during cold temperatures
dartos muscle
these muscles are the extensions of abdominal skeletal muscles which are extensions of abdominal skeletal muscles into the scrotum, contract and pull the testes nearer the body
cremaster muscles
component of the repro system which is also called male gonads ; oval organs each about 4-5cm long, within the scrotum
the lobules contain __ which is the site of sperm cell development
seminiferous tubules
located outside the seminiferous tubules are endocrine cells called
interstitial cells or leydig cells
the formation of sperm cells
the seminiferous tubules contain two types of cells called
germ cells
sustentacular cells or sertoli cells
this kind of cell in the seminiferous tubule are the ones that divide and differentiate during spermatogenesis to form sperm cells
germ cells
this kind of cell in the seminiferous tubule are large and extend from the periphery to the lumen of the seminiferous tubule ; they nourish the germ cells and produce a number of hormones
sustentacular cells
just anterior to the nucleus is a vesicle called the _ which contains enzymes that are released during the process of fertilization and are necessary for the sperm cell to penetrate the oocyte or egg cell
after their production, sperm cells are transported through the seminiferous tubules and a series of _ to the exterior of the body
the seminiferous tubules of each testis converge into a tubular network called the
rete testis
the rete testis empties into 15-20 tubules called the
efferent tubules
the efferent ductules carry sperm cells from the testis to a tightly coiled series of threadlike tubules that form a comma shaped structure on the posterior side of the testis called
final changes in sperm cells, called __ occur after ejaculation of semen into the vagina and prior to fertilization
it is a tube that carries sperm from the testis into the body cavity of the male ; the total length is about 45cm
ductus deferens or vas deferens
the ductus deferens emerges from the epididymis and ascends along the posterior side of the testis where it becomes associated with the blood vessels and nerves that supply the testis to form the
spermatic cord
near its end, the ductus deferens increases in diameter to become the
ampulla of the ductus deferens
near the ampulla of each ductus deferens is a sac-shaped gland called the
seminal vesicle
the ducts form the seminal vesicle and the ampulla of the ductus deferens joins at the prostate gland to form the ; each enters the prostate gland and joins the urethra
ejaculatory duct
the __ extends from the urinary bladder to the distal end of the penis
male urethra
three parts of male urethra
prostatic urethra
membranous urethra
spongy urethra
this part of the urethra passes through the prostate gland
prostatic urethra
this part of the urethra passes through the floor of the pelvis and is surrounded by the external urinary sphincter
membranous urethra
this part of the urethra extends the length of the penis and opens at its end
spongy urethra
this is the male organ of copulation and functions in the transfer of sperm cells from the male to the female
the penis contains 3 columns of erectile tissue
2 corpora cavernosa
1 corpus spongiosum
engorgement of this erectile tissue with blood causes the penis to enlarge and become firm, a process called
two columns of erectile tissue form the dorsal portion and the sides of the penis are called the
corpora cavernosa
the third, smaller erectile column occupies the ventral portion of the penis and is called the
corpus spongiosum
the corpus spongiosum expands over the distal end of the penis to form a cap, which is called the
glans penis
the spongy urethra passes through the corpus spongiosum including the glans penis and opens to the exterior as the
external urethral office
a loose fold of skin, called the __ covers the glans penis is well supplied with sensory receptors
prepuce or foreskin
it is the surgical removal of the prepuce, usually shortly after birth
consists of both glandular and muscular tissue and is about the size and shape of a walnut ; surrounds the urethra and the two ejaculatory ducts, consists of a capsule and numerous partitions
prostate gland
are a pair of small, mucus secreting gland located near the base of the penis
bulbourethral glands or cowper glands
a mixture of sperm cells and secretion form the male reproductive glands
the normal volume of semen is
2-5 milliliters with 100 million sperm cells each mL
what are the functions of seminal vesicles
nourishment of sperm cells
coagulation of semen
movement of sperm cells
the time period during which individuals become capable of sexual reproduction
the major male hormone secreted by the testes ; influences reproductive organs and nonreproductive structures
are those structural and behavioral changes other than in the reproductive organs, that develop at puberty and distinguish males from females
secondary sexual characteristics
is the movement of sperm cells, mucus, prostatic secretions, and seminal vesicle secretion into the prostatic, membranous, and spongy urethra ; stimulated by sympathetic action potentials
the forceful expulsion of the secretions that have accumulated in the urethra to the exterior ; results from contraction of smooth muscle in the wall of the urethra and skeletal muscles surrounding the base of the penis
sensations, normally interpreted as pleasurable, occur during the male sex act and result in an intense sensation called an
orgasm or climax
this phase occurs after ejaculation ; penis becomes flaccid, an overall feeling of satisfaction exists, and the male is unable to achieve erection and a second ejaculation
when this occurs, the penis becomes enlarged and rigid ; the first major component of the male sex act
blood then fills small venous sinuses called __ in the erectile tissue
failure to achieve erections or ___ can be a major source of frustration
erectile dysfunction or impotence
the inability or the reduced ability to produce offspring
fertility can be achieved by collecting several ejaculations and concentrating the sperm cells before inserting them into the female reproductive tract, a process called
artificial insemination