consists of the skin and accessory structures, such as hair, glands, and nails
integumentary system
major tissue layers of the skin
most superficial layer, layer of epithelial tissue that rests on dermis
stratified squamous epithelium, in deepest layers, new cells are produced by mitosis ; push older cells to surface
protect cells underneath
outermost cells
replace cells lost from the surface
deeper cells
during movement, cells change shape and chemical composition ; cells become filled with protein keratin, makes them more rigid durable
5 strata layers
strata corneum
strata lucidum
strata granulorum
strata spinorum
strata basale
consists of cuboidal or columnar cells that undergo mitotic divisions every 19 days
stratum basale
flattened appearance and accumulate lipid-filled vesicles called lamellar bodies
stratum spinorum
flat and diamond shaped ; accumulate more keratin and release lamellar bodies’ contents to extracellular space
stratum granulorum
thin, clear zone between stratum granulorum and stratum corneum ; present in certain areas of the body ; dont hve nuclei or nucleus
stratum lucidum
most superficial stratum ; dead squamous cells filled with keratin ; coated and surrounded by lipids released from lamellar bodies of skin cells ; 25 or more layers of dead squamous cells
stratum corneum
composed of dead collagenous connective tissue containing fibroblasts, adipocytes, and macrophages ; nerves, hair follicles, smooth muscles, glands, and lymphatic vessels extend here
responsible for strength
collagen and elastic fibers
collagen fibers oriented in some direction than in others ; most resistant to stretch along these lines
cleavage lines or tension lines
skin is overstretched, dermis can be damaged leaving lines visible through the epidermis
stretch marks
extend toward the epidermis ; contain many blood vessels ; supplies epidermis with nutrients, removes waste products, helps regulate body temperature
dermal papillae
arranged in parallel, curving ridges that shape the overlying epidermis into patterns ; increase friction and improve the grip
friction ridges
delivers material to the blood slowly ; administered by drawing the skin taut and inserting small needle at shallow angle
intradermal injection
achieved by pinching skin to form ‘tent’, inserting a short needle into adipose tissue
subcutaneous injection
faster than intradermal or subcu ; long needle at 90 degrees angle to the skin into a muscle deep to the subcutaneous tissue
intramuscular injection
group of pigments primarily responsible for skin, hair, and eye color ; provides protection against ultraviolet light from the sun
melanin is produced by
genetic trait that causes deficiency or absence of melanin, resulting in fair skin, white hair, and etc
irregularly shaped cells located between the stratum basale and stratum spinosum
decrease in blood O2 content, bluish color
congenital disorders of blood vessels
yellow pigment in plants ; source of Vitamin A
skin rests on this tissue ; not part of the skin but instead attached the skin to underlying bone and muscle ; supplies it with blood vessels and nerves
subcutaneous tissue
loose connective tissue, adipose tissue that contains half the body’s storied lipids
subcutaneous tissue
functions as padding and insulation ; differences in appearance between male and female
adipose tissue
used to estimate total body fat
subcutaneous tissue
attached or embedded into the skin
accessory skin structures
found everywhere on skin except palms, soles, lipids, nipples, parts of genitalia and distal segments of fingers and toes
each hair arises from this ; invagination of epidermis that extends deep into dermis ; important role in repair of skin
hair follicle
protrudes above surface of skin
below the surface of skin
expanded base of root ; hair is produced here
hair bulb
hard which surrounds the medulla ; covered by cuticle
soft center
single layer of overlapping cells that holds the hair in hair follicle
extension of dermis that protrudes into hair bulb ; blood vessels here supply hair bulb with nourishment needed to produce hair
hair papilla
smooth muscle cells ; contraction = hair is more perpendicular
arrector pili
stand on end ; raised area of skin
simple, branched acinar glands ; connected by a duct to the superficial part of a hair follicle
sebaceous glands
oily, white substance rich in lipids ; released by holocrine secretion and lubricates the hair and surface of skin which prevents drying and protects against bacteria
two types of sweat glands
simple, coiled, tubular glands, and release sweat by melocrine secretion
simple, coiled, tubular glands that produce a thick secretion in organic substances
thin plate, consist of layers of dead stratum corneum cells that obtain a very hard type of keratine
visible part of the nail
nail body
part covered by skin
nail root
stratum corneum that extends into the nail body
nail root extends distally ; cell production = causes nails to grow
nail matrix
nail attaches to underlying ; distal to matrix
nail bed
small part of nail matrix ; seen through the nail body as whitish crescent shaped area
yellowish skin color, occurs when liver is damaged by hepatitis
scarlet fever, allergic reactions
injury to a tissue caused by heat, cold, friction, chemicals, electricity
part of stratum basale remains viable, regeneration of the epidermis occurs from within the burned area
partial thickness burns
only epidermic, red, painful, edema or swelling may be present
first degree burn
damage epidermis and dermis ; redness, pain, edema, blisters
second degree burn
epidermis and dermis are completely destroyed
full thickness burns
region is painless, sensory receptors destroyed
third degree burn
extremely sever burns that affects tissue deeper than subcutaneous ; damage muscle, bones, and other tissues, painless and amputation may be needed
fourth degree burn