Repro Flashcards
Embryo: Involved in patterning along anterior-posterior axis? Produced where?
Sonic hedgehog. Made at base of limbs
Needed for organization along dorsal-ventral axis? produced
wnt-7. apical ectodermal ridge
needed for lengthening of limbs. Produced?
FGF. apical ectodermal ridge
Involved in segmental organization of embryo in craniocaudal direction. Mutation leads to?
Homeobox gene. Appendages in wrong locations
When does beta hCG secretion begin?
Week one of fetal development
Developmental milestones in week two, three, four?
Bilaminar disc (Yolk sac and amnion)
trilaminar disc and neural plate
heart begins to beat and neural tube closes
When is genitalia seen In fetal development?
Week 10
Derivatives that surface ectoderm?
BEADPEEL Breast (mammillary) glands Enamel Anterior pituitary and anal canal Distal urethra Parotid gland Epidermis Ear Lens of eye
Derivatives of neuroectoderm
Brain, posterior pituitary, retina
Derivatives of neural crest
SHAPES Skull bones Heart – aorticopulmonary septum Arachnoid Pia Endocrine glands (chromaffin, c-cells) Skin - MSH
Derivatives of mesoderm
Muscles, blood, urine, reproduction
Mesodermal defects
VACTERL Vertebral defects Anal atresia Cardiac defects Tracheoesophageal fistula Renal defects Limb defects
Endoderm derivatives
G.I. tract, respiratory tract, neck (thymus, thyroid, parathyroid)
Malformation versus Deformation
During embryonic vs post embryonic period
Twin development
A=amnion, C=chorion
Until Week 4 - diC and diA
4-8: monoC diA
8-12: monoC, monoA
12+: conjoined
Cytotrophoblasts versus syncytiotrophoblast?
Make cells versus secretes beta hCG
Decides basalis? Derived from?
Contains maternal blood. Derived from endometrium
Umbilical arteries and veins are derived from?
Failure of urachus to obliterate could lead to?
Patent urachus, vesicourachal diverticulum (Outpouching of bladder)
Omphalomesenteric duct aka?
Vitelline duct
Aortic arch derivatives
See page 509
Branchial cleft derivatives?
First cleft forms external auditory meatus. Rest are obliterated.
Patient comes in with a persistent cervical sinus. Remnant of?
Branchial cleft
Patient with mandibular hypoplasia and facial abnormalities. Cause?
Treacher-Collins syndrome. First arch neural crest fails to migrate
Patient with fistula between tonsillar area and cleft in lateral neck
Congenital pharyngeal cutaneous fistula
Branchial arch Derivatives?
See page 510
Branchial pouch derivatives?
Ear, tonsils, bottom to top
1, 2, 3-dorsal, 3-ventral, 4
Parafollicular cells of thyroid derived from?
Neural Crest. Associates with Fourth and fifth pharyngeal pouches
Failure of fusion of the maxillary and medial nasal processes?
Cleft lip
Failure of fusion of the lateral Palitine process, the nasal septum, and the median Palitine process
Cleft palate
Components needed for male Differentiation?
SRY gene - Testes determining factor
Sertoli cells - MIH
Leydig cells - Androgens
Mullerian duct forms?
Tubes and upper vagina. Does not form Ovaries
Mesonephric duct forms?
Seminal vesicles, epididymis, ejaculatory duct, and ductus deferens
Genital tubercle versus urogenital sinus
Forms structures versus forms glands
Gubernaculum In male versus female
Anchors testes within scrotum
forms ovarian ligament and round ligament of uterus
Lymphatic drainage of proximal two thirds of the vagina and uterus
Obturator, external iliac, and hypogastric nodes
Suspensory ligament of the ovaries connects and contains?
Connects ovaries to lateral pelvic wall. Contains ovarian vessels
Cardinal ligament contains and connects?
Connects cervix to side of pelvis and contains uterine vessels
(Cardinal Connects Cervix)
Round ligament of the uterus connects and contains
Uterine fundus to labia majora, artery of Sampson
Area of female repro with stratified squamous epithelium
Vagina, ectocervix
Area of the female repro with simple columnar epithelium
Endocervix, uterus, fallopian tube
Area of female reproductive tract with simple cuboidal epithelium
Nerves that control erection, emission, and ejaculation
Pelvic nerve, hypogastric nerve, pudendal nerve
Sertoli cells secrete?
Inhibin, antigen binding protein.
Function of antigen binding protein?
Concentrates sperm in testes
What cells of testes are temperature sensitive?
Sertoli cells. Leydig cells are unaffected by temperature
Genetic makeup of primary spermocyte, secondary spermocyte, and spermatids?
Haploid immature sperm to mature spermatozoon. Loss of cytoplasmic contents, gain of acrosomal cap
Hormone needed to deepen voice
Early effects of DHT vs late effects
Differentiation of penis, scrotum, and prostate.
Prostate growth, balding, and sebaceous gland activity
Functions of estrogen
Secondary sex characteristics
Growth of follicle and endometrium
Decrease FSH and LH
Increase prolactin in the body and decreases prolactin in the breast
Hormone that is an indicator of fetal well-being
Functions of progesterone
Formation of spiral arteries
Maintain pregnancy and secretion
Thickens mucus
Decreases contractions
Inhibits FSH/LH
Tanner stages of development
Nothing, boobs, pubes, growth, squirt
Phase of menstrual cycle with increase in body temperature
Secretory phase with progesterone
Primordial vs primary vs secondary vs Graffian follicle - histo?
Surrounded by flat follicular cells
Surrounded by cuboidal follicular cells
Layers of follicular cells with antrum
Extends through cortex and bulges out
Oocytes: MeiosisI arrested in? Meiosis II arrested in?
Prophase I, metaphase II
Where does fertilization occur
Upper end of Fallopian tube, the ampulla
Beta hCG levels peak at what week? Hormones that continue to rise during pregnancy?
Week 10. Prolactin, progesterone, ACTH (ACTH around week 25)
What allows for lactation after pregnancy? What is needed to maintain lactation?
Decrease in progesterone. Suckling (oxytocin and prolactin release)
Changes in menopause
HHAVOC Hirsutism Hot flashes Atrophy of the vagina Osteoporosis Coronary artery disease
Maternal diabetes effect on fetus?
Insulin does not cross placenta. Glucose crosses placenta causes hyperplasia of islet cells. Leads to transient hyperglycemia of newborn.