Biochem Dzs Flashcards
Course facial features, cluded corneas, restricted joint movement and high plasma levels of lysosomal enzymes? Cause? Prognosis?
EM findings?
I-cell dz. No mannose-6-phosphate added in golgi. Fatal in childhood.
Many vaculoes
Recurrent pyogenic infections, partial albinism and peripheral neuropathy. Mutation? Histo?
Chediak-Higashi. Mutation in mucrotubule polymerization. From LYST mutation (lysosomal trafficking receptor).
Pt with hyperextensible skin, easy bleeding, hypermobile joints. Can lead to what severe problems?
Ehlers Danlos. Defect in type 1 or 4 collagen. Berry aneurysms and organ rupture
Pt with nephritis, deafness and vision disturbances? Defect in?
Alport syndrome. Defect in collage type 4.
child with mental retardation, hyperphagia, obesity, hypogodadism, hypotonia. Defect?
Prader-Willi. Parental allel not expressed (“need dad for balls”)
Mental retardation, seizures, ataxia, inappropriate laughter?
Angelmans (materal allele not expressed)
Rickets like with phosphate wasting at PCT. heredity?
Hypophosphatemic rickets. X-linked dominant
Red ragged fibers?
Mitochondrial Dz
ADPKD. chromosome?
Familail adenomatous polyposis. chromosome?
Pt with tendon xanthomas and MI before 20?
Familial hypercholesterolemia
telangiectasia, epistaxis, ateriovenous malfomations?
Osler weber rendu
decreased GABA and ACh in brain.
- chromosome?
Huntingtons. 4
darkened iris harmartomas in eyes? Chromosome?
Lich nodules - NF1. chromosome 17
Bilateral acoustic schawnomas - chromosome?
NF2. 22
Angiomyolipomas in kidney, retinal hamartomas, facial lesions?
Tuberous sclerosis
Hemangiomas and bilateral renal cell carcinomas?
X-linked recessive disorders?
Be Wise, Fool's GOLD Heeds silly HOpe Brutons agammaglobulinemia wiskott-aldrich fabry's G6PD Ocular albinism Lesch0Nyhan Duchennes/Beckers Hunters Hemophilias OTC deficiency
Phe 508 deletion. Chromosome?
CF. 7
Child with increased in CPK. Check for?
muscular dystrophy
Large testies, ears, jaw. gene? Heart problem?
Fragile X. FMR1. MVP
trinucleotide repeats? (repeat and chromosome)
X-Gfs First Aid Helped Ace My Test Fragile X - cGg Friedreich's ataxia - GAA (chromosome 9) huntingtons - cAg - 4 Myotonic dystrophy - cTg - 19
Myotonic dystrophy. Problem with what protein?
My-D protein kinase
amniotic fluid show decreased aFP and estriol and increased B-HCG and inhibin A. 2 Causes?
Down syndrome. Trisomy 21 and robertsonian translocation
Down a-FP, B-HCG, estriol
normal inhibin A.
edward’s syndrome - trisomy 18
Down B-HCG, down PAPP-A. Sx?
Patau's (trisomy 13). cleft-Palate holoProcencephaly Polydactyly CycloPs PDA PKD
Crying/mewing child, epicanthal folds. Defect? Heart?
deletion of short arm of 5. VSD
bad development of 3rd and 4th pouch?
Digeorges and velocardiofacial. CATCH-22 Cleft lip abnormal facies thymic aplasia Cardiac defects HypoCa
chromosome 22q11 deficiency
Edema, anemia, asities from malnutrition?
Muscle wasting, edema from malnutrition?
Anosmia and no secondary sex characteristics. Defect?
Kallman syndrome. GnRH secreting cells do not migrate to proper location in hypothalamus. (no GnRH secretion)
Cystic hygroma?
neck mass consisting of lymphocytes and connective tissue found in turner’s
Increased lactate in blood. Lethargic, seizures, mental retardation? Genetics?
Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency. X-linked Dominant
Vomiting, rice water stools and garlic smelling breath? Mech?
Arsenic poisoning. Inhibits lipoic acid (and pyruvate dehydrogenase). Can also block B1 and resemble beriberi.
Child with ataxia, abnormal eye movements. Increased lactic acid?
Special diet?
Pyruvate dehydrogenase
Only ketogenic AAs (leucine and lysine)
Child with exercise intolerance, muscle craps and burgundy urine?
Tarui (decreased phosphofructokinase 1)
Pt with hypoglycemia, jaundice, and vomiting after drinking juice? Deficiency in what enzyme?
Fructose intolerance. Aldose B
Infant has trouble tracking objects and doesn’t smile. Increased sugar in urine. Deficiency?
Galactokinse deficiency
Infant with cateracts, PO4 depletion,
also failure to thrive, jaundice, hepatomegaly,? Deficiency?
Classic galactosemia. Galactose-1-P uridyltransferase
Child with exzema and musty odor, retardation, seizures. Diet?
PKU. No Phe
Infant with microcephaly, mental retardation, congenital heart defects. If due to maternal nutritional defect, cause?
Maternal PKU
Brown sclera, urine turns black. Cause?
Alkaptonuria. Buildup ot homogentisic acid because improper tyrosine breakdown
Albinism - causes?
1 defect in tyrosinase
2 defective tryosine transporters
3 bad neural crest migration
Tall Pt with downward and inward gaze, history of stroke and MI, mental retardation. Causes?
- Cytathionine synthase deficiency
- decreased affinity for B6
- B12 deficiency
defect in transporter for cyseine, ornithine, lysine, arginine. Risk of stones
Pt with pellegra. W in urine?
Hartnup. Defective W absorption in PCT and gut
Hepatomegaly, lactate in blood, xanthomas, seizures, severe hypoglycemia. Defect?
Can also develop?
Von Gierke’s disease. Glucose-6-Phosphatase
Gout/hyperurecimia and platelet dysfunction
Doll’s face. Tx?
Von Gierke’s disease. Glucose, glucagon, E
Infant with cadiomegaly and large tongue. Normal glucose. Glycogen storage Dz? Defect? Histo?
Pompe’s. Defect in lysosomal a-1,4 gluosidase. Glucose accumulation in liver lysozomes
Infantile cirrhosis and failure to thrive. Glycogen storage dz? Defect?
Andersons. Defect in branching enzyme
Painful muscle cramps and peeing red after exercise? Defect?
McArdle’s. Skeletal muscle glycogen phosphorylase
Ingestion of sucrose before exercise
Baby with little growth, fasting hypoglycemia and hepatomegaly? defect?
Her’s. Hepatic glycogen phosphorylase
Child with with peripheral neuropathy, renal disease and small discolored spots.
Defect and accumulated substance?
Farby’s (only glycogen storage disorder with renal dz) a-galactosidase A and ceramide trihexoside
Child with Hepatosplenomegaly, aseptic necrosis of femur
Defect and accumulated substance?
Gaucher’s. B-glucocerebrosidase. Glucocerebroside
Child with Macrophages that looks like crumpled up tissue paper?
Defect and accumulated substance?
Gaucher’s. B-glucocerebrosidase. Glucocerebroside
Child with Hepatosplenomegaly and cherry red spot?
Defect and accumulated substance?
Neimann-Pick Dz. Sphingomyelinase. Shingomylin
Child with Cherry red spot, neurodegeneration. Normal abdominal exam
Defect and accumulated substance?
Tay-Sachs (no hepatosplenomegaly). Hexosaminidase A. GM2 ganglioside
3 year old. Abnormal startle, decreased motor skills. Cherry red spot?
Defect and accumulated substance?
Tay-Sachs (no hepatosplenomegaly). Hexosaminidase A. GM2 ganglioside
Child with Peripheral neuropathy, developmental delay, irritable with optic atrophy?
Defect and accumulated substance?
Krabbe’s. Galactocerebrosidase. Galactocebroside.
Child with ataxia, central and peripheral demylination.
Defect and accumulated substance?
Metachromatic leukodystrophy. Arylsulfatase A. Cerebroside sulfate.
child with hepatosplenomegaly, cateracts, hepatoslenomegaly. Gargoyle like face.
Defect and accumulated substance?
Hurlers. a-L-iduronidase. Heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate
Aggressive child with gargoyle like face. Normal eyes. Pebbly skin lesions?
Defect and accumulated substance?
Hunters. Iduronate sulfatase. Heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate.
Pt with weakness, hypotonia, hypoglycemia without ketones. Deficiency in what transporter?
Carnitine deficiency (no LCFA breakdown in mito)
Starvation. Sources of energy?
ATP (secs) Creatine (secs) Glycogen (12 hours) Liver gluconeogenesis (12-18 hours) Ketones from B-oxidation (18 hours to 3 days) Protein degradation and death (3+ days)
Abdominal pain, xanthomas. Hepatosplenomegaly? Increased levels of? Defect?
I-hyperchyomicronemia. No lipoprotein lipase. increased chylomicrons, TG, cholesterol
See rings in eye, tendon xanthomas, atherosclerosis? Defect? Increased levels of?
IIa familial hyperchlesterolemia. No LDL-R. too much LDL, cholesterol
Spots on eyes, pancreatitis, hepatomegaly. Affects every generation? Defect? Increased levels of?
IV - familial hyperchlesterolemia. Increased VLDLs.
Infant with failure to thrive, steatorrhea, ataxia, acanthocytosis. Defect? Histo?
Abetalipoproteinemia. Microsomal tryglyceride transder protein (MTP gene) - decreased B48 and B100. Fat in enterocytes.
Pt with pale spots on eyes, gap between 1st and 2nd toes, deafness and mental retardation. Later in life at risk for?
Down syndrome. ALL and Alzheimers
Pt with thin, fragile skin and a hx of aortic aneurysms is pregnant. Danger>
Elhers-Danlos. Worried about uterine rupture
12 year old mentally retarded boy with bilaterally dislocated lenses, and tall thin body? Should go on what diet? Furture risk for?
Homocystinuria. Go on a high cystine, low methionine diet (cystine has become essential).
Cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis
Pt with course facial features, cateracts and umbilical hernia with skeletal abnormalities. EM will show?
Hurlers. Swollen lysosomal vesicles. Accumulation of partially degraded polsaccharides.
Pt with repeated sinus infections and point of maximal impulse at the right fifth intercosatal margin. Specific defect?
Kartageners. Dynein
Pt with incresingly irratible child. “Orange sand” in diapers.
Lesch-Nyhan. Uric acid results in crystal urine.
Pt with increasing SOB. Alcoholic. Tingling and burning in legs. Bilateral rales and pitting edema. Enlarged cardic silhouette.
Beriberi (B1 deficiency)
6 year old with vision problems and mental retardation dies of stroke.
Vitamin that should have been given?
Homocysteinuria. B6
Pt with mitral valve replacement. Gets endocarditis, catalase-positive and coagulase-negative. Tx?
S. epidermis endocarditis - Vancomycin
Insulin - receptor? Receptor then does?
TK receptor. Activates potein phosphatase 1
MAP-Kinase vs JAK-STAT pathway?
GFs vs GH, polactin, inflam mediators/cytokines, prolactin (PIG)