Repro 4 adn 5 Flashcards
Spermatogensis overview
- Males born with 1000 – 2000 un-differentiated diploid sperm cells called spermatogonia
- Located at basal lamina of seminiferous tubules and under go mitotic division until puberty
List the functions of testosterone
- Stimulates growth of internal and external genitalia
- Stimulates secondary sex characteristics (behaviour and sex drive)
- Enhances growth of skeletal muscle and bone
- All accessory sex glands depend on T for development and maintenance of structure and function
Key features of seminiferous tubules
- Leydig cells: outside of tubule.
- Each tubule made up of sertoli cell = hold developing spermatogonium in cytoplasm until mature sperm when reached centre. (spermatogenesis occurs in setoli cell)
What route does sperm take?
- Seminiferous tubules
- Rete testis
- Efferent ducts
- Epididymis
- Ductus deferens
- Urethra
Spermatogensis overview
- Males born with 1000 – 2000 un-differentiated diploid sperm cells called spermatogonia
- Located at basal lamina of seminiferous tubules and under go mitotic division until puberty
- starts at puberty
- Development starts within sertoli cells
- From diploid spermatogonia to primary spermatocytes
- meiotic division = haploid = secondary spermatocytes, spermatids then Mature spermatozoa
- Requires 5-9 weeks depending on species adn testosterone
What will the number of fertile breedings a male can perform be limited by?
the sperm stored in epididymal tail
What cells are in the epididymis?
- Smooth muscle cells
2. Ciliated epithelial cells
What structure connects the tail of the epididymis with the pelvic urethra?
- Ductus deferens
When sperm leave sertoli cell are they fertile?
- NOPE as non motile and DNA in the head is not condensed.
2. 8-15 days for sperm to mature while passing through epididymis
If tup not performing but no obvious illness at point of tupping what could be cause and why?
- Takes 5-9 weeks depending on species for spermatogenesis to occur
- If tup had disease 5-9 weeks prior to tupping, even though is well now, this would have affected the sperm
What are gonadal hormones regulated by? What hormoens are essential for sperm production?
HPA axis
1. Both FSH and testosterone are necessary for sperm production
Describe anatomy of Bitch’s uterus
Y shape
- caudal = vagina
- Cervix = barrier between vagina and uterus
- after = uterine body
- Bicorornate uterus = 2 different horns
- before ovary = small tube (oviduct/ falopian tube)
- Infundibulum = funnle shape process that wraps itself around ovary
Describe anatomy of Bitch’s uterus
Y shape
- caudal = vagina
- Cervix = barrier between vagina and uterus
- after = uterine body
- Bicorornate uterus = 2 different horns
- before ovary = small tube (oviduct/ falopian tube) = not part of uterus = link bet uterus adn ovary
- Infundibulum = funnle shape process that wraps itself around ovary
Where is semen deposited in different species?
- Cow, sheep, dog, cat = vagina
- pigs = cervix
- Through cervical lumen (horse)
what aids sperm travel within the female tract?
- Smooth muscle contractions of female tract
2. sperm motility
Where do sperm lie and wait for ovum?
Most species lifespan = longer than 24 hrs
For successful fertilisation sperm must:
- Transverse cervix = highly convoluted in ruminant
2. Transported through uterus to oviduct (stopped by phagocytosis by macrophages and ejected back out of vagina)
What is capacitation?
Ejaculated sperm become fertile before meet female gamete in female tract
- Sperm are “mature” in epididymis in male, however NOT fertile
- Within female tract spermatozoa undergo changes that allow them to become fertile
- Capacitation can be induced in vitro = needed for IVF
What receptors do leydig and sertoli cells have?
sertoli cells:
FSH receptors, secrete inhibin and convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone and oestradiol
Leydig cells: LH receptors, secrete testosterone
In males what drives testosterone peaks?
- GnRH drive LH surge which drives testosterone surge
What are the female equivalent of the male leydig cell and male sertoli cell?
- Leydig equivalent in female is follicular theca interna cells
- sertoli cell equivalent in female is follicular granulosa cells
What is cryptorchid?
- one or both testis retained in inguinal canal/ abdomen
If not sure if an animal has been nutured or just cryptorchid, how can you test?
- measure testosterone by blood sample
- inject LH
- another blood sample and a surge in testosterone = testicular tissue
Successful testis function requires what?
- pulsatile GnRH secretion every 3-6 hours
- Adequate LH receptors in leydig cells
- High concentrations of testosterone in the seminiferous tubules
- correct testicular temperature
How is scrotal temperature controlled?
- Profuse sweat glands in some species (sheep)
- Tunica dartos = 2nd layer when cut through. smooth muscle under androgen control
- Cremaster muscle = skeletal muscle so only active for short periods
- close contact of coiled testicular arteries adn veins allows counter current heat exchange
What type of control is it that controls the scrotal temperature in our species
- homeostatic
2. lot of temeprature receptors around scrotal skin that go straight to resp centre
Main Accessory sex glands
- Ampullary gland
- vesicular gland
- prostate gland
- bulbourethral gland
What do the accessory sex glands produce?
- produce non cellular secretions (packed lunch for sperm): seminal plasma
- fructose as energy source
- Assorted hormones and enzymes
What accessory glands can you see in the dog?
- Prostate gland v obvious
2. some ampilluary tissue - can’t see from outside
- Where does the prostate gland lie in dog?
- Where does the ampulla of ductus deferens lie in the dog?
- Where does the vesicular gladn lie in the dog?
- Where does Bulbo urethral gland lie and where in dogs?
- lies dorsally on neck of bladder
- Ampulla is largely covered by the prostate
- Vesicular gland is absent in dogs
- Bulbo urethral gland empties into distal part of pelvic urethra but absent in dogs
Is seminal plasma essential for successful reproduction?
Secretions produce by epidermis and accessory sex glands not required for fertility but important in natural insemination
What are the names of the erectile tissue within the penis?
- Corpus spongiosium penis
2. Corpus cavernosum penis
What are the names of the erectile tissue within the penis?
- Corpus spongiosium penis
- Corpus cavernosum penis
These 2 types are discrete/ separate
What are the 2 “models” of corpus cavernosum penis?
- Musculocavernous = smooth msucle with large cavernous spaces (horse, dog, man)
- Fibro elastic = adaptions that allow small cavenous spaces (ruminants, camal and pig)
Corpus spongiosium
- Type of penis tissue
- Lines urethra frm pelvis to tip of penis
- Expansion near pelvis = bulb of penis/ urethral bulb
- expansion at tip = glans penis
Corpus cavernosum penis
- type of penis tissue
- 2 fibrous crura attached to ischium
- one big continuous structure apart from in dog where this is separate
List the muscles of the penis
- Retractor penis muscle
- Ischiocavernosus muscle
- Bulbospongiosus muscle
Retractor penis muscle
- mostly smooth muscle to help retract penis back into sheath
- easy to find as runs midline
- connects penis to internal/ external anal sphincters and coccygenus
- Passes ventral to penis in midline to attach half way along length
Ischiocavernosus muscle
Main muscle
- covers left and right crura
- origionates frm ischiatic arch adn inserts on tunica albuginea of corpus cavernosum
- prevents venous drainage of blood during erection
Bulbospongiosus muscle
Main muscle
- thick midline circular muscle overlying caudal enlargement of corpus spsongiosum (bulb of penis)
- Prevents venous drainage of blood during erection
- Rhythmic contractions increase pressure in corpus cavernosum during erection
Which peni muscles are most important during mating and why?
- Bulbospongiosus and Ischiocavernosus
- obstruct blood supply
- important for ejaculation
Arterial blood supply of the penis comes is a branch of what?
- The internal pudendal artery
How does the penis artery travel?
- Curves around ischiatic arch adn sends branches deep into erectile tissue (spongiosum and cavernosum) at root of penis
- Continues along dorsal surface of penis outside tunica albuginea
Venous blood supple
Drained at root of penis via internal pudendal vein
How does an erection happen?
- branches of artery but ONLY 1 venous drainage which can be obstructed when Bulbospongiosus and Ischiocavernosus contract = erection
- no vascular connection between the 2
What needs to occur for an erection?
- elevated arterial blood flow
- dilation of corporal sinusoids
- restriction of venous outflow
- Elevated intra-penile pressure
- Relaxation of retractor penis muscle
- This is parasympathetic nervous supply
Ejaculation nerve supply
- Sympathetic nerve supply
What happens to the surface molecules on the sperm form epididymal to capacitation?
- Surface molecules in epididymal sperm coated with seminal plasma proteins = mask membrane molecules
- Female tract, seminal plasma coating and some surface molecules = can bind to female gamete (zona pellucida of oocyte)
- capacitation finished when reached oviduct
- at this point sperm become hypoactive!
Location of capacitation?
From cervix to oviduct
What happens when sperm reach isthmis of oviduct?
- reached after 2-7 hrs
2. wait for ovulation near uterotubule junction
For successful fertilisation what must happen to sperm
- bind to zona pellucida protein on female gamete: receptor on sperm for zona protein
- Undergo the acrosome reaction
- penetrate zona pellucida and fuse with oocyte membrane
Acrosome reaction
- absorption of water
2. Exocytosis reaction of enzymes that break down zona pellucida so sperm moves through
Why does polyspermy not usually occur during fertilisation?
- A zona block occurs
- There is whereby the zona pellucida undergoes biochemical changes so that further sperm cannot penetrate
- Oocyte releases cortical granules into the peri-vitalline space = block
Briefly talk through stages from ejaculation to fertilisation
- Ejaculation
- Selection through Cervix (some loss through retrograde loss)
- Sperm motility and uterine contractions
- Capacitation occurring
- Oviduct sperm wait in isthmus
- Fertilisation occurs in the ampulla of oviduct: acrosome reaction, zona block to stop poly spermy
Window for fertilisation
a) duration of oestrus
b) Duration of fertilising ability of sperm within female reproductive tract
c) Timing of ovulation relative to onset oestrus
a) duration of oestrus = 18 hrs
b) Duration of fertilising ability of sperm within female reproductive tract = 1.5-2 days
c) Timing of ovulation relative to onset oestrus = 24-32 hrs
a) DoO = 9 days
b) DoFS = 9-11 days
c) ToO relative to oestrus = starts 2-3 dasy after onset oestrus
a) 5+- 2days
b) 4-5 days
c) 2 days before end e.g. day 5 if 7 days oestrus
When would you cover mare to get the best conception rate?
- towards oestrus period as ovulates 2 days before end!
What is syngamy? Where does this occur
- when haploid sperm penetrates zona pellucida of secondary oocyte.
Oocyte undergoes 2nd meiotic division - forms zygote
- Location = in ampullary region of oviduct
Embryonic period.
What is cleavage and what are blastomeres?
- Cleavage = the rapid mitotic division of the zygote starting the first week of development
- Blastomeres = progressively smaller cells produced by cleavage
From oocyte to end:
- Oocyte undergoes syngamy = zygote
- cleavage forms morula which is multiple identical cells within the zona pellucida
- Early blastocycte
- inner cell mass migrates form embryo and other cells line inside zona pellucida form placenta.
How do animal centres join uterus?
- primates IMPLANT
2. Our domestic species ATTACH = looser connection