Farm animal Welfare Flashcards
Be aware of current farm animal welfare
Describe the principle legislation protecting
farm animals
What is a moral issue regarding farm animals
They are sentient beings, capable of feeling
pain and suffering, learning, memory
What are sources of poor welfare
- cruelty
- neglect
- Husbandry systems (intensification, genetics, industry issues)
What are farm animal welfare challenges
- Intensification
- Disease
- Economics
Intensification issues
- Increased production
– associated disease problems
• metabolic disease in cattle, skeletal problems poultry - Increased herd / flock sizes
– Increase disease risk
- less individual animal attention
– Behavioural compromises? Social Issues? Stress? Boredom? - Housing/Confinement
– great reduction in grazing and outdoor production
– confined systems e.g battery cages, sow stalls
– Behavioural expression
What does the FAWC stand for and what do they say needs to occur to reduce disease
1. Farm animal Welfare Committee – Preventative medicine and Health Planning – Greater involvement of vets – Ensure surveillance of disease – Improve biosecurity – CPD for farmers and workers
Economic Issues
- Lower prices = difficult to invest
- labour costs/ vet fees/ medicines
- producing food intensively = cheaper
- impose higher welfare standards = globally competitive still?
What is farm animal legislation on farm
- Welfare Farmed Animals Regulations 2010
- Animal Welfare Act 2006
- Mutilations Permitted Procedures Act 2007
What is farm animal legislation in markets, transport and slaughter
- In Markets = Welfare of Animals in Markets
- In Transport = Welfare in Transport Regulation EC 1/2005
- In Slaughter House = Welfare of Animals Slaughter and Killing
Who enforces farm animal welfare standards?
- Primarily DEFRA AND Animal Health and Plant Agency (AHPA)
- Local Authority Trading Standards
- Police
* * Welfare charities e.g. RSPCA = no enforcement power**
Welfare issues of laying chickens
- Brittle bones
- Feather pecking
- individual inspection
Welfare issue of free range chickens
- Disease control
- Predation
- Group size/ bullying
Welfare issue of broiler chickens
- Boredom
- Less intensive indoor
- Free range
genreal welfare issues of chicken
- space allowance
- skin damage from bedding
- fast growth - fractures, heart disease
welfare issues growing pigs
- boredom = tail biting = tetnus/ spinal abscess
- disease problems
- Mutilations - tooth clipping, castration (port taint), tail docking
dairy welfare issues
- lameness
- metabolic disease, ketosis, fat mobilisation
- Access to outside ?
- Mastitis
- intensification
Sheep welfare
- main issues come down to poor stockmanship
- castration (stop breeding)
- tail docking (fly strike)
- dystocia management
lack of vet
What are Farm Assurance Schemes?
Voluntary, private sector schemes which provide consumers
with certified, information on the standards of production of
the food they purchase.
what are the OIE
- Fight animal diseases world- wide
- Notifiable diseases
– Control measures
– Standard setting - Global improvement of animal welfare
standards world wide – Recommendations and agreement on welfare
standards for various systems e.g slaughter,