Quiz 3-Review Information Flashcards
Occupations shared by at least two individuals. For example, child needs to be calmed down by parent after an upsetting situation. The child is being soothed at the same time the parent is care giving.
When the child comes into home from out in the cold, the therapist takes off his hat, coat and mittens. Then the child takes off his boots. This is an example of what?
Backward chaining
When a child wants to go out and play in the snow, he puts on his snowpants, then the therapist puts on his boots, coat, hat, and mittens. This is an example of what?
Forward chaining
What are the Guidelines to Design interventions to address ADL performance?
- Review occupational profile, include goals and recommendations
- Ensure all contraindications are taken into consideration during intervention planning and implementation
- Be comfortable explaining the role of an OTA to the client and/or family.
- Use Universal Precautions during interventions
- Address the performance deficits and environmental modifications that enable children to be successful in participating in occupations such as ADL’s
- Encourage active client participation, involve caregivers
- Remember OT process is dynamic and alterations to intervention plan may be indicated over time
- Consult with supervising OT, client, and team throughout OT process regarding goals and progress
- Document progress clearly
- Report concerns to supervising OT
- Utilize available professional resources for assistance
- Collaborate with all team members during discharge planning to ensure consistency of care will continue
Stimulating activities like vibration or calming activities like rocking are known as what kinds of activities (hint, they get you ready for purposeful activities)?
Preparatory activities
What is the difference between ADL’s and IADL’s?
ADL’s are self-care like feeding, dressing, bathing, toileting, etc. IADL’s are more complex activities like care for others/animals, health management, financial management, communication, etc.
Strategies for picking clothing for children with sensory processing issues
- Wash new clothes in familiar detergent before having child wear them
- Use detergent with mild or no fragrance
- Allow the child to pick his or her clothes
- Be sensitive about waistbands, wristbands, and neck region
- Cut out tags completely before child wears clothes
- Some children prefer “gently used” clothes, while others prefer new clothes
- Children could prefer either loose clothing OR tighter fitting clothing
- Be aware of each child’s individual clothing preferences
- Ask children to express themselves through colors and styles of clothing
Moving from one position or place to another during performance of everyday activities. These include in-bed mobility, wheelchair mobility, or transfers.
Functional mobility
This refers to the precise and skilled finger movements made during fine motor tasks
in-hand manipulation
This refers to how the child holds the paper with the hand not using to cut or draw on the paper
Use of assist hand
When eyes move to follow slow-moving objects, among other things, it is called what?
Pursuit tracking movements (Visual tracking)
Foundational elements of fine motor skill development include what?
Bilateral motor control, reaching/grasping, object manipulation, and implement usage
Both hands work together in various ways. This is referred to as what?
bilateral motor control
Which does a patient work on first- gross motor or fine motor skills?
Gross motor first, then fine motor
To manipulate an object, the child must first obtain it. This requires steps and what kind of processing?
Reaching, grasping, and then acting to bring the two together (visual and proprioceptive processing), ending in object manipulation.
Patient works from simple (using a hammer) to complex (using a pencil, scissors), in order to ______ usage
Ability to identify which picture is not like the others
Visual discrimination
Ability to remember a shape or word and recall info when necessary. Remember how to form letters, shapes, numbers.
Visual memory
Ability to realize that forms, letters, and numbers are the same or are constant whether they are moved, turned, or changed to a different size
Visual form constancy
Ability to remember a sequence or chain of letters to form a word. Needed for handwriting
Visual sequential memory
Ability to identify object out of a busy background. Finding hidden objects is an example.
Visual figure ground
Ability to identify a form or object from an incomplete appearance. Finding your jacket when it is partially covered by others is an example.
Visual closure
Developmental Frame of Reference
First assesses what developmental level the student is performing at. The goal is to improve performance from current developmental level to the next one.
Using tactile, visual, and auditory stimulation when teaching is what kind of approach/FOR?
When the OT works with the OTA, the child, and the family on independence in ADL’s, it is known as what kind of approach?
Collaborative approach
If a child needed to use adaptive equipment, assisstive devices, or use only one hand to complete an ADL, this would be known as what kind of technique?
Pleasurable, self-initiated activity that the child can control. Also, freedom to suspend reality
One’s disposition to play.
Activities that are meaningful and motivating to clients and address their goals.
therapeutic media
Refers to precise and skilled finger movements made during fine motor tasks
in-hand manipulation
three fingers used for holding writing utensil
tripod grasp